Suggestions for a non stealth closet grow? Pics included, any help appreciated.


Hey all, after receiving some great advice and doing some more research in my other thread I've got a much better idea of what I want to do, now I'm just trying to get the most optimal use of the space I have. I don't have to worry about being too stealth so that's not an issue, and I'd just like to do it with the least amount of tearing up my walls. Anyway, pics are attached to make it easier, any ideas on lighting and general set up in a room like this w/o having to be stealth? (Dimensions are about 3 x 5 x 5 1/2ft in the little awning you see in the pics, roof of closet is about 10 feet.)

I'm thinking Mylar lining and maybe a moveable cfl fixture, possibly considering HPS as well but will have to figure out heat (doesn't get too hot i'm in socal now so temps are constant about 60-70 outside) without destroying my walls.

Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If i were you i would invest in a 400watt hps to mh conversion ballast. i know you said you do not want to cut into walls but a 6" hole is all that is required and you can push heat up to attic. when you are no longer growing in closet you can easily patch hole and retexturize ceiling. you will need to exchange air regardless of temperature. pulling air from the light hoods will also be removing heat and exchanging air in the process. i would hang light from the hanger bar. and possibly look into scrog. this will maximize canopy area for such a small grow area.


not bad if you are on your side/

Line them with mylar and panda film the floor with white up and 2-400HPS and it should be good 2 go
Yes I am JoC, for some reason pictures on my roommwtes phone came out strange. Didn't even realize i could fit two 400 watt hps, although for my firet grow i was considering going cfl just because I assume I'm going to mess up and don't want to spend all that money the first time.

Aeviaanah, I was thinking the same in terms of where to hang the light and scroging it, but again for the firet time I may jute focus on learning fine nuances with just a couple of small plants. The only reason I'm hesistant about cutting a hole in the roof is because we don't own this house, we rent, and so if we decide not to lease this same spot next year I'll have to make certain to never allow the landlord to see the physical damage or I lose a lot in security deposit (ironically enough I think they might be more pissed that theres a hole in their ceiling than the fact that I'm legally growing nug.)

Do you know of any other way to possibly vent the heat? There's a window by the side of my my closet just outside of the door and the bottom of the door has about a two inch gap from the floor to the door, I was thinkingnof sealing that but maybe I can rig something with like a pvc pipe to just vent it out into my room and then I can have an air purifier in my room, what do y'all think? If I have to I'll start cutting, but like I said until I know if were releasing this property or not that might be kind of dumb of me.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am JoC, for some reason pictures on my roommwtes phone came out strange. Didn't even realize i could fit two 400 watt hps, although for my firet grow i was considering going cfl just because I assume I'm going to mess up and don't want to spend all that money the first time.

Aeviaanah, I was thinking the same in terms of where to hang the light and scroging it, but again for the firet time I may jute focus on learning fine nuances with just a couple of small plants. The only reason I'm hesistant about cutting a hole in the roof is because we don't own this house, we rent, and so if we decide not to lease this same spot next year I'll have to make certain to never allow the landlord to see the physical damage or I lose a lot in security deposit (ironically enough I think they might be more pissed that theres a hole in their ceiling than the fact that I'm legally growing nug.)

Do you know of any other way to possibly vent the heat? There's a window by the side of my my closet just outside of the door and the bottom of the door has about a two inch gap from the floor to the door, I was thinkingnof sealing that but maybe I can rig something with like a pvc pipe to just vent it out into my room and then I can have an air purifier in my room, what do y'all think? If I have to I'll start cutting, but like I said until I know if were releasing this property or not that might be kind of dumb of me.
Yes but like i said before, you should be able to fix it with out anyone ever knowing. It is the ceiling of a closet. Its quite easy.


Active Member
If I were you I would use a 600watt hid system for that space, and since it doesnt have to be stealth, you could simply vent out the door with an inline fan in within your ducting... and a small oscilating fan inside the area, giving the plants a nice breeze... don't assume your going to fail, have some confidence in your self! This site is rich in resources, there's no reason anyone can't have a succesful first grow if they do the proper research.. You should also go with maybe an easy autflower strain, to help boost your confidence; and start with just two plants, so it would be easier to maintain... I know I suggested an hid system, but it would probably be best to use maybe a nice t5 fixture or a couple of those 125watt cfls should do it, and if you do go this route, I don't think any of that duct work is necessary until you get an hid system, a simple fan for a couple of plants, the door doesnt have to be closed, and a cracked windows should suffice for getting started.. good luck man! You can do it!


Yes but like i said before, you should be able to fix it with out anyone ever knowing. It is the ceiling of a closet. Its quite easy.
LOL aeviaanah, no joke, I don't know if this is like destiny trying to tell me not to do this, but we woke up this morning and somehow a fucking pigeon was inside of our house, no doors open, no windows open, we have no attic and no basement, and a fake fireplace. This thing literally teleported in here, lol now I'm tripping thinking i'm gonna cut a hole in the ceiling and some "The Birds" shit is gonna occur.

Regardless, I'll look into it.

sleeper, I'd be interested in that, but wouldn't that make me loose alot of reflective light than if I had the door closed and the room lined with mylar?

If It comes down to it i'll have to cut a hole in the attic i guess, but I'll have to wait until the landlord gets down here then since we have birds flying into our house from somewhere in the roof i assume. Wouldn't wanna wake up to a fire caused by a bird somehow flying down a vent.


Active Member
LOL aeviaanah, no joke, I don't know if this is like destiny trying to tell me not to do this, but we woke up this morning and somehow a fucking pigeon was inside of our house, no doors open, no windows open, we have no attic and no basement, and a fake fireplace. This thing literally teleported in here, lol now I'm tripping thinking i'm gonna cut a hole in the ceiling and some "The Birds" shit is gonna occur.

Regardless, I'll look into it.

sleeper, I'd be interested in that, but wouldn't that make me loose alot of reflective light than if I had the door closed and the room lined with mylar?

If It comes down to it i'll have to cut a hole in the attic i guess, but I'll have to wait until the landlord gets down here then since we have birds flying into our house from somewhere in the roof i assume. Wouldn't wanna wake up to a fire caused by a bird somehow flying down a vent.
Not much lite.... I've seen those cfls fixtures with nice hoods on them... those hoods should be able to beam light over the canopy nicely... Good luck bro!!! i keep my door open, and my closet is painted white, there is a 1k hid in there though, lol... and my closet is smaller then yours, but taller!


Well-Known Member
LOL aeviaanah, no joke, I don't know if this is like destiny trying to tell me not to do this, but we woke up this morning and somehow a fucking pigeon was inside of our house, no doors open, no windows open, we have no attic and no basement, and a fake fireplace. This thing literally teleported in here, lol now I'm tripping thinking i'm gonna cut a hole in the ceiling and some "The Birds" shit is gonna occur.

Regardless, I'll look into it.

sleeper, I'd be interested in that, but wouldn't that make me loose alot of reflective light than if I had the door closed and the room lined with mylar?

If It comes down to it i'll have to cut a hole in the attic i guess, but I'll have to wait until the landlord gets down here then since we have birds flying into our house from somewhere in the roof i assume. Wouldn't wanna wake up to a fire caused by a bird somehow flying down a vent.
That is funny about the bird. How the hell did he get there? Looks like you are figuring it out. Come check out the harvest, my setup is similar to yours. You may have to go back a few pages to see it.


Active Member
Whoa, your setup is frighteningly similar to what I am trying to do

aeviaanah, how do you cut a hole into the ceiling? what tools do you use? and how would you go about patching it up if needed (probably won't be necessary since I am owner of the house)?


Well-Known Member
Whoa, your setup is frighteningly similar to what I am trying to do

aeviaanah, how do you cut a hole into the ceiling? what tools do you use? and how would you go about patching it up if needed (probably won't be necessary since I am owner of the house)?
i googled how to cut a hole in ceiling and came up with this, you should do the same and you may find a better tutorial

as far as cutting the hole, determine which kind of material it is. a drywall knife is all that is needed if you do infact have a drywall ceiling.


Active Member
OK, but how do I know if there's nothing on the other side? Knock on it to see if it is hollow? What if there is insulation or something..


Well-Known Member
you need to drill a small hole as a reference point. you can then shove a wire or something up through the hole. go up into the attic and take measurements of where the rafters at in relation to the hole. you can then cross reference that to the ceiling down below. you will now know where the rafters are and you can locate your hole.


Active Member
Hm, actually there might not even be an attic, not an accessible one anyway. I think the roof is pretty damn close to the ceiling of the closet. It's probably just a small space for insulation. Should I still go through with this?


Well-Known Member
not sure man, you need to know what you are dealing with. dont want to cut a hole in your roof or anyhting,.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Whoa, your setup is frighteningly similar to what I am trying to do

aeviaanah, how do you cut a hole into the ceiling? what tools do you use? and how would you go about patching it up if needed (probably won't be necessary since I am owner of the house)?
It's drywall in most new homes. Often there is blown in insulation which is loose pack. Before you cut the hole make sure you go up and secure the location with backing, something to keep the insolation from falling. Use a hand held drywall saw. Make the ductpipe a tight fit to the drywall so you can push back the inso. If you screwed up just stog something to pack it in. Do not create a vacuum in your grow. Extract air from outside to displace inside air. It is better if you can lead your ductwork outside.