Club 600

las fingerez

Well-Known Member


dogs on the left, hb on the right :)

some other pics in the journal, pop by and roll one up. start of week 3 12.12.


Well-Known Member
anyone got any info on BC purple kush?
dont know what i can tell ya about it, the guy who sold the clones to me was tryin to tell me they're clone only and dont reproduce? dont know what that means. but they're stinky frosty and dense and dont mind to be cloned, or lsted. the verdict on fim and topping is still out, waiting for them to show the shoots. here are a few about 6 weeks into lst veg.

and some pictures throughout flowering of the last batch done under cfls


IMG_3110.jpg and harvest time IMG_3200.jpg

trichome production seems really good but then again what the hell do i know

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thanks foir the pics man. man i dont know what to say bout all those cfl's surely that defeats the purpose? or is heat and venting an issue?

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
i couldnt tell you anything about my root system yet, but so far i think theyre just great. i really like how they look now with the edges rolled down. my pots are five gallon and relatively speaking they dont take up too much room. smart pots are the future. i dont think ill use a conventional pot again

They develop a really nice root system. Take this with a grain of salt but I would not have put my seedling into that big of a container. I start them in peat pellets and then transplant them into party cups for a couple of weeks and for what I'm doing now, into half gallon grow bags to veg for another week and then into flower. Starting with smaller containers allows the plant to build a good root system before you transplant into a bigger container, veg for a bit more and then into your big finishing containers. Starting in that big of a pot with a seedling, it may not fill the available soil space with roots but using smart pots, who knows? I can tell you this, the root system will grow into the fiber of the pots, I had no spiraling at the bottom of the containers. I can't say I'll only use smart pots but I do like them. HTG had a sale going on, I don't know if it still is or not, ten three gallon pots for thirty bucks, good price. I also ordered my thermometer/hygrometer, wireless of course. It shipped the next day with free shipping, should be here maybe tomorrow?

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
The food sealer, it was me. I got one and it worked perfectly. I sealed the stuff up, put it into a jar and sealed the jar, twice. Had it sitting in my closet for days and didn't get even a hint of smell. Even sticking my nose right into the box all I could smell was cardboard.

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Well-Known Member
thanks foir the pics man. man i dont know what to say bout all those cfl's surely that defeats the purpose? or is heat and venting an issue?
I have a two by four foot tent with a four foot, four tube t-5 and it gets hot as hell in there. I came home from work today and all the clones were wilted, I fixed that immediately. It's still in the mid to upper eighties here for a couple more days until the cool returns. I can only imagine the kind of heat all those cfl's threw off?

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
They develop a really nice root system. Take this with a grain of salt but I would not have put my seedling into that big of a container. I start them in peat pellets and then transplant them into party cups for a couple of weeks and for what I'm doing now, into half gallon grow bags to veg for another week and then into flower. Starting with smaller containers allows the plant to build a good root system before you transplant into a bigger container, veg for a bit more and then into your big finishing containers. Starting in that big of a pot with a seedling, it may not fill the available soil space with roots but using smart pots, who knows? I can tell you this, the root system will grow into the fiber of the pots, I had no spiraling at the bottom of the containers. I can't say I'll only use smart pots but I do like them. HTG had a sale going on, I don't know if it still is or not, ten three gallon pots for thirty bucks, good price. I also ordered my thermometer/hygrometer, wireless of course. It shipped the next day with free shipping, should be here maybe tomorrow?
yeah, thats what my dad was saying. he usually up plants them from party cups as well. im trying something different. its all about experimentation right? well see though all in good time

youre gunna love the thermometer


Well-Known Member
the vacuum sealers work for sure, i just sealed a pound the other day you can't smell SHIT keeps it fresh forever too;)

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Wally, yeah, looking forward to its arrival. I noticed you have your sensor sitting in between your pots. Another thing about smart pots, as your plants grow, they will consume more water than in other containers. I had no problems with watering, unless I tried to dump too much water on them at once. If I let them get a little too dry, some water would run out of the sides but the pots suck it back in in time. I'm not one to water until the water runs out the bottoms. I lift and feel all my girls as I water them and when they feel 'full' I stop watering.

Edit...and you are correct, it's all one big ongoing experiment, very addictive.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
The food sealer, it was me. I got one and it worked perfectly. I sealed the stuff up, put it into a jar and sealed the jar, twice. Had it sitting in my closet for days and didn't get even a hint of smell. Even sticking my nose right into the box all I could smell was cardboard.
kool man do you have a make or brand name for me?

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
yeah heads^, i have it kinda shaded, outta direct light to get a more accurate reading.

its so addictive. ive tried outdoors a couple times but i only grew a plant at a time from bagseed. i grew very healthy plants but they turned out to be male. my dad has been growing indoors since long before i was born. hes got quite the green thumb so i've learned a great deal about growing from him. not limited to pot;i can grow lettuce (NFT hydro), tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, peas, radishes, herbs, chickens, etc.

so after absorbing as much information as possible from here and various other sources i was ready to give it a go. after a summers work i finally had the funds to embark on this amazing journey we're all a part of.

im really looking into a career in botany, particularly good ole cannabis sativa:leaf:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Here ya' go Don, Rival seal a meal. VS220. Under sixty american.

Nice wally. I'm hoping to pick up a lesson or two on gardening in florida over the thanksgiving holiday. I've tried to grow tomatoes a few times but the summer heat here is a killer.


Well-Known Member
Dez, I see you mention a vaporizer every once in a while, here's mine, a great machine, can't find them anymore.

DigiVape vp500
That's cool man. I just have an 'easy vape'. Wanted to get one to try out without spending a lot of dough and it's still working like new so Ihaven't considered replacing it yet. When I do though, I'll get a nice one.