It's sad how most growers and sellers in California that are against Prop.19 are against it out of greed for the dollar. Prop.19 passing will have a positive effect on the entire nation. Other state's politicians will take notice, and more people in other states will start stronger pro-legalization and pro-mmj movements. I'm looking at Prop.19 as a small tidal wave that turns into a giant tsunami creating a vast movement that sweeps from the coast of California reaching all the way to the coast of New York city's coastline.
Dispensaries want to keep those $350 ounces going, damn the movement huh? I'd rather see what benefit's WE THE PEOPLE, not greedy growers intent on keeping prices set averaging $350 ounces. Prop.19 will speed both the MMJ and legalization efforts in other states. It's a catalyst for positive change. Prop.19 isn't perfect but it's a step towards something better for the rest of the nation. I hope I live long enough to see 1 out of every 5 households in the nation have a grow room. FREE THE HERB ! and set aside selfishness for the benefit of the nation. Empty the freakin jails !
Ed Rosenthal had this to say about it>
I've been working for legalization for 35 years and this is the first chance that I'll have to vote on it. I've waited all this time for the legislature or the federal government to change the laws, but they never did. The most we got was decriminalization. You can't depend on the legislature. They have had their chance. Sorry about Obama, but you can't count on him either. It was only Dennis Peron and the many people he inspired to work on Prop 215 that made medical marijuana legal in California in 1996. Now we have to make all use legal.
Whether you like
Prop 19 or not, whether it is the best initiative or not, whether or not it meets your particular standard really doesn’t matter. Tax and regulate is about legalization. We cannot let this lose. We owe legalization to the world because after California legalizes many other states will follow. Whatever happens in California travels to the rest of the world. California has had good and bad things to offer. Reagan: that’s a bad thing. Legalizing medical marijuana: that’s a great thing. Now California has a chance to do another great thing: Legalize It.
How can anybody think that they might vote no? Are these the American colonists who sided with the British? Can you imagine saying to a friend, “You know, I had a chance to vote for legal marijuana, but I voted no.” Would you vote yourself into slavery? That isn't a light analogy, because we live in a police state, and one of the ways the police enforce their power is this noxious law, the law against marijuana. Every marijuana user owes it to themselves and their friends and to their fellow marijuana users to vote and convince everyone else around them to vote
Yes on 19 on Nov. 2.