Are the GROWKITS the real thing?

Hey guys,

Im totally new to the psychoactive stuff, but have been reading about it for months now. Studying Terrence McKenna (RIP) till my eyez bled. I can't wait to try mushrooms and LSD and hopefully Ayahuasca one day. My question is, how and where do I find this stuff? Cultivating seem kinda hard for newbies like me but I have seen these growkits on the net, that u allegedly only have to water or something? Has anyone had any experience with this? As I found out LSD is virtually inpossible to find. Anybody got anything that can help me?


Well-Known Member
Grow kits are far too expensive and the space utilized to grow mushrooms is horrible... you can only yield a few 8ths at a time. As timeismoney boldly said, purchase all the ingredients yourself... its a fun, learning process.


Well-Known Member
Those videos sure shed some good light onto the introductory course of mushroom growing. I remember when I was a newbie watching those same videos :)


Well-Known Member
But will the "growkits" yield legitimately potent mushrooms?

Does anybody know the yield per bag?

Anybody trip on mushrooms from a "growkit"?


Well-Known Member
there is no difference from doing it your self and buying a kit except that the kit will give you less, cost you more, and eventually just be junk you wasted your money on!
So from what I found out, in reality I only need to order some Spore Prints, and get all teh equipment to grow it, and ehm, learn how to grow and Im set? :D Anybody have any advice where to order from? spores101??