home made co2


Well-Known Member
Hey, a good cheap way to increase co2 is by fermentation, take 1 half cup of yeast,easily bought dried, add that to a cup of suguar, to then 4 cups of luke water.HAS to be luke warm as to hot the yeast will die, to cold it wont start up, get it just right, luke tepid , goldy locks style.
In those rough preportions, it will bubble and produce co2, needs refill every few hours, twice a day i do it, so just empty half of it out and top back up with luke warm and a half as much sugar you put in the first time, top up water to orginal level.
it smells abity,well alot but works,,
Hope that helps,,take it easy..


Well-Known Member
For CO2 you need an airproof closet so the CO2 doesn't escape.
That also leads to heat buildup.

You can make CO2 by the yeast and sugar method but you would need a lot of that and some way to gauge it.

Overall, I believe using CO2 enhancment is the last step to be taken in dialing in a grow.


Well-Known Member
Overall, I believe using CO2 enhancment is the last step to be taken in dialing in a grow.
I couldnt agree more with you McFonz

Dial in your environment making sure everything is near perfect and you wont need to worry about Co2.

If you all search the newbie central forum looking for a Homemade Co2 system i think it was desertrat that done a testing comparison of how much Yeast etc to use to keep your PPM over 1000.

Off hand i think it took a gallon of mixture to maintain 1000+ppm for around 4days before the mixture needed refreshing.

To be honest with enough air exchange and the right environment Co2 wont even cross your minds once you see the results you can achieve.



Active Member
I am going to do dwc hydro in a 26.5 in pc tower that is not airtight, is it still possible to use co2 in any form. please advise.
ya i wouldnt do that, why would u suffocate your plants he wants co2. but ya just chill with em for a while each day. haha thats way better than the last suggestion


Well-Known Member
I think this convo may have have gone off the tracks,take into consideration the crap that is in most western city environments air and all these arguments become null and void. Smoking anything in your room for 10 minutes ain't gonna do dick to the plants, never enough or too long. Maybe if you had a dozen mates choking on stuff all night then yes but a joint at the end of the day.....come on guys, stay off the indicas!!!

Anyway make some co2 in a bottle with sugar, yeast and water and see it last only a week, get a beer making kit and see it last 3 weeks at a stretch, get a gas bottle and regulator and see the real difference. Pick something so this stupid thread can be done now.

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
lolol, i mean obviously it isnt prime co2 supplementation, but if compared to not smoking with the babies, they do get more co2. weather or not it makes a difference doesnt really matter. im pretty sure the tar is in my lungs too. no harm no gain, though i think i get a slight gain. these are plants though so the difference isnt really noticable