chocolate thai


Well-Known Member
ok so 2nd grow first grow went ok for a noob so lets see what happends now some pics plant is 5 days

soil : miracle grow organic choice mixed with perilite ,bat gwano and at the bottom when roots reach biotone starter plus
Light: 26watt cfl's
nutes: not sure what im going to use for flowering have mg bloom booster ,jacks classics,liquid seaweed,bat gwano , bud candy , superthrive , blackstrap molassis , biotone starter plus . i know my shit is all over the chart lol but hey

at 2 days above

at 5 days


Well-Known Member
Where in the fuck did you get chocolate Thai i heard this strain died out SEND ME ONE lol


Well-Known Member
its a cfl grow i just used thows blue and red bulbs for spectrum and before anyone says its a waste it works the plant seems to be growing toward the blue so im convinced lol
about the srtain got it from a nug i payed 20 bucks a gram from that shit aint dead smells like chocolate not chocolate bars lol with a hint of darkness in the nug got 3 seeds 1 germed lol sad but hey i hope its not a dam male


Well-Known Member
Nice well hopefully its a female and it pops a few seeds so you can send some this way lol jp but good luck


Well-Known Member
I hope it doesn't have balls either lol if it does no more growing till I get a tent to grow out all of my autoberry s at once have 6 seeds left


Well-Known Member
Nice i have a 4x4x6 tent and i love it. If it is a male i would say breed it I havent seen Chocolate Thai in forever and i really really want some Im sure you could off those seeds to a dispensary for quite a bit of $$


Well-Known Member
20 days in and they seemed to have loved there shot of nutes just a mixture of seaweed and mg alos bubbled it for a half hour and no burn just lovely growth
also question is it normal for a plant this young to smell when you touch it cause i love it lol


Well-Known Member
27 days from seed updated pics hardly any streching so im a happy camper topped her today so maybe on the first ill start flowering after getting advise from the pros on how soon i should start flowering after topping ?



Well-Known Member
ok some pic updates in just two days this thing went on a growth spert gave her nutes for the second time doubled my chemical nutes and did the regular organic nutes also topped her two days ago



Well-Known Member
Looking good superbud, can't wait till my little one starts getting bigger only on day 6 from germ... I'm sub'd can't wait to see how this turns out


Well-Known Member
Looking good superbud, can't wait till my little one starts getting bigger only on day 6 from germ... I'm sub'd can't wait to see how this turns out
thanks man im stoked also its my first photoperiod grow but learned alot form my first auto grow so should be good smoke


Well-Known Member
Yeah, me too!
well thats what im hearing the dude probly lied to my ass who knows but i have to admit it was chocolaty so who knows but since i got seeds that means he messed up along the line somewhere so a pure female grow should be killer