Brick Top
New Member
I've had good luck with Attitude in the past, but my recent experience has soured me on them. They took my money and sent the order to someone else, where it was delivered over a week ago(according to the tracking number). The address is not in my state, nor have I ever heard of it, so why did they ship there? I don't know, and apparently I'm not going to find out.
I'm all done over there..
I fully understand why bean buyers in countries where they are illegal could become upset if their orders do not arrive in a timely manner and or are not exactly as ordered but I still find myself amazed at times when someone has received good service from a seedbank and then after one problem they will not use it again, and many times put the breath on the business.
Having been an owner in three businesses I can tell everyone that no business of any type never has some sort of problem and many times problems that are blamed on the business are actually the fault of the business or businesses that manufacture their goods or the businesses that supply them goods that others have manufactured or whatever delivery service was involved.
Whatever the reason, it is irrational to expect perfection from any business 100% of the time and if after receiving good service to totally give up on them for one problem, especially if it is a minor problem.