small room 9x9 feet want to have to 2 lights going but it gets to hot and dry ???REP+


Active Member
Got a smaller room 9x9 feet want to have 2 1000 watt lights in there but it gets to damn hot in there , also noticed when i turn the 2nd light on the humidity drops ... any suggestions?

Well-Known Member
to increase humidity put saucer full of water on top of your lights(dont spill them). As they evaporate it will raise humidity.. works for me


Active Member
the 1000 watters put off 6000 btu of heat each and it adry heat so to retain the temp before teh lights you need 1200btu of cooling.
this is with out aircooled hoods. and a 20 dollar humidifier.


Active Member
what have you done to control temps so far?
this small room is connected to a larger room where i have more lights( no problems with temps and humidity there)... in the small room i have an exhaust sucking the hot air out into the bigger room and in this bigger room next to the entrance of the small room i have a filter with a vortex fan on it exhuast the air from both rooms

the 2 rooms are connected air and light travels between them ...any suggestions...

i also have 2 aircons kicking around but because air cons make the air even more dry i have not introduced them and i would preferably like to resolve this issue using just intake and exhausts


Active Member
got 2 humidifiers in the small room and it increases humidity by maybe 3 %..... and yes ur right the more lights = more dry air and higher temps... right now my small room is sitting at 40% and 90-95 F

large room 60% and 80-85F