TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Weed Modifier
woohoo charlie has a home.. now she can really get her hoeing on...
I was going to add the flur to the flower room but had an idea:!:( inspired by you Regga ):clap:hope you don't mind:-P....put all 3 flur in a cabinet for veg! 2@4'(68w) and 1@3'(60w).

Then... I will add 2 60w bulbs for side light in my flower just got my camera so will be posting pics very shortly...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
sweet cant wait to see..

i have been super busy lately so i havnt worked on my dresser.. at this point it might have to wait untill after the world series.. GO GIANTS!!!


Weed Modifier
This is what I will be using for Charlie....and a few angels too...:-P040.jpg042.jpg it is not finished, as I have a few final touches to do but it will work for now!:bigjoint:

Well I have a lunch date but will be back on after work to post a few of Charlie...Yes she is in there!!! Oh yah almost forgot......

IT'S A GIRL............WWWWWWWooooooooooHHooooooo!!!:weed:

She is showing white pistles now....Awesome:bigjoint:Finally!!!

She has shown a little stress ( from the move ) I will probably transplant tonight...looks like she needs a bigger pot??? lol


Well-Known Member
sweet grow box man.. this is tourcher bro i feel like a kid at christmas wanting to open my gifts.. i want to see inside so bad..


Well-Known Member
go get it man... you wish me luck as well cause im gonna be off to see my girl just as soon as laundry is done..

also great job on the box i like how you mounted your lights its gonna be blingin in there after you ad the other cfls..

ttys bro..


Active Member
well here is a pic...

not very clear but you can see it is a Toothpick! lol. I Believe it will come back...
Similar thing happen to plant..Along with getting all the leaves riped of at on a few days old it was also ripped out of the rockwool so and root hairs were pulled..My girlfriend stuck it back into the rockwool we got it to flourish now..


Weed Modifier
Similar thing happen to plant..Along with getting all the leaves riped of at on a few days old it was also ripped out of the rockwool so and root hairs were pulled..My girlfriend stuck it back into the rockwool we got it to flourish now..
Gotta love a woman who know how to put it back

That is great!:bigjoint:

Did you take any pics of it?


Weed Modifier
hey lime hows it going i remember reading this when you first started it idk why i never posted lol ;)
maybe you thought it wouldn't make it too! lmao as i look back now i say wtf was i doing.....but it will give you an idea of how i think.

I have a passion for Mj! The power of the mind can be amazing!!! look what it did for me! thanks for finally stopping in rene. tell me what you think....would you have guessed it would survive from the first few pics???


Well-Known Member
actually yes i did think it would make it and to be honest i was looking as i had my own issues lol i seen yours and didnt feeel so bad no offense...glad it survived


Well-Known Member
This entire conversation/post has been an inspiration...I just planted my first fem seed and have been worrying myself crazy---My husband says if I can't keep it going then I can't buy more seeds...which I get, but jeez the pressure, but anyway I think I overheated it cuz it's 1st set of actual leaves (not cotyledons) began to point straight up like in a I moved my light and what not and am hoping those leaves will lay back down and maybe the poor little gal will start back growing for me...The fact that you had a ripped up stick stem and now it is a viable useful plant...Kick ass! I am starting to think perhaps I am just no good at this growing thing...Although I assume that like most things it is a process and will just take time to get good at, but I have grown many things very well---I think because I am not quite as excited about marigolds or Just need to relax and let it happen right? RIGHT?! ---Right!!!! Sorry just wanted to congratulate you on your plant's awesome recovery and perhaps get a little cyber luck dust by posting here...


Well-Known Member
Here is my Barney Farm LSD that I accidentally ripped off the entire top. The shell stuck and like an idiot I was too harsh and pulled the entire thing off. I would have taken a picture right away, but I was so upset that I just let it sit. A couple of days later I noticed some leaves forming. Below are a picture when it first started forming leaves, and now, 21 days later, it looks pretty good. Still way behind the other seedlings, but by the end it will be decent. It made it. Don't give up hope.
topped seedling nov.jpgtopped seedling.jpg


Weed Modifier
This entire conversation/post has been an inspiration...I just planted my first fem seed and have been worrying myself crazy---My husband says if I can't keep it going then I can't buy more seeds...which I get, but jeez the pressure, but anyway I think I overheated it cuz it's 1st set of actual leaves (not cotyledons) began to point straight up like in a I moved my light and what not and am hoping those leaves will lay back down and maybe the poor little gal will start back growing for me...The fact that you had a ripped up stick stem and now it is a viable useful plant...Kick ass! I am starting to think perhaps I am just no good at this growing thing...Although I assume that like most things it is a process and will just take time to get good at, but I have grown many things very well---I think because I am not quite as excited about marigolds or Just need to relax and let it happen right? RIGHT?! ---Right!!!! Sorry just wanted to congratulate you on your plant's awesome recovery and perhaps get a little cyber luck dust by posting here...
why thanks...i like to have a positive outlook no matter what anyone says....and it did live and survive...proving how tough and resilient Mj can be.....I have always believed in the power of thought ( with a little luck too) that if you believe it will happen!

Don't think that way as we all make mistakes??? no....the first time you do something it is a learning experience....the second time though it would be a mistake if you have not learned from the prior incident! Sometimes fucking things up can be an excellent way to learn ..../what not to do!!! lol but don't get down about it as mine was worse!!! lmao....but came back!

I think your little one may be too hot? You did good by moving your light but what is your temp / humidity??? what size light you have on her???

For sure you can have all the vibes you need as i like to help people understand Mj in a different way....learning to read the plant for signs....if you can recognize these signs your garden will become EDEN.... I have done lots of reading and research to better help my girls and since being here i have learned 10 fold what i thought i Knew...and still i am learning things as i go....It is a will grow with the basics...light, water, love and attention!!! Good luck and if you have any questions feel free to ask as i like to help others as much as possible!

That is why im here to learn and share what i have learned with others....Spreading the Mj love...That's what it should all be about!!!

Thanks a bunch....and i hope you plants grow so big that you do not know what to do!!! Keep em Green!


Weed Modifier
Here is my Barney Farm LSD that I accidentally ripped off the entire top. The shell stuck and like an idiot I was too harsh and pulled the entire thing off. I would have taken a picture right away, but I was so upset that I just let it sit. A couple of days later I noticed some leaves forming. Below are a picture when it first started forming leaves, and now, 21 days later, it looks pretty good. Still way behind the other seedlings, but by the end it will be decent. It made it. Don't give up hope.
View attachment 1259105View attachment 1259106
hey mike...looks like she is coming along great man....good job!!! Maybe she is smaller than the rest... but the true test is in the quality of the smoke at the end! Looks much better now hey!

Thanks for stopping by and I like the color....Keep her Green man!!!

I Never Give up Hope!!!


Well-Known Member
:) heeeeey how's the toothpick? I tried to see some updated pics but no chance, dunno what's wrong. How is she? Looking good? Peace