Hey, new guy few questions


Hello everybody,
Im looking to grow but i cant have the electricity bill go up much at all.
i heard you can use led lights?(a friend of a friend grows pounds using these) or something similar and it doesn't raise the bill. i don't know this guy though and im not sure if this is the kind. also i need to know how much these plants will yield i was looking through rhino seeds(have been for along time actually) and it says 5--600grams on some plants. is this true?
i plan on doing regular shwag at first but i want the good stuff at some point. also can you grow high grade using a hydro method so i wont use electricity. i will be reading through the forums but i would appreciate a more direct response.
thank you.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
That harvest weight is for outdoor plants allowed to reach the largest size their genetics allow. It usually means plants bigger than you. Think of the crystal on pot as genetic sunblock. Yes, you can grow small plants under low wattage lights but the potency of your plants will be low for that particular strain. I wouldn't expect to actually finish flowering more than one plant with no noticeable effect on the power bill, unless you gave up something else that draws power to compensate.


Well-Known Member
A 400 watt light only adds about 10 bucks to your bill each month in most U.S. States,

about 15-20 bucks for 600's.

Fed's aren't gonna beat down your door over a $20 increase in your bill.

just my .02


Active Member
am in California and a 600 MH light for an 18/6 cycle come out to an extra 40 bucks a month for me. yep... I know expensive right? lol


Active Member
Oh and that's includes the 206 CFM exhaust I got running aswell. "Ventilation" add that to the bill too.


oh i was under the impression that a 1000 watt bulb cost like 450-500$ more lmao.
ok thats not bad at all. so the yields are for giant out door plants. what can i expect in a 12-14ft room?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
LED is lame. Go HID. Your personal computer probably consumes more power than a 400w system.

You have some serious misconceptions that need to be overcome, and it's not going to happen one post at a time. Check out the Jorge Cervantez High times DVD growing set.

Watch a few "time lapse" grows on youtube.

Get an idea of what's going on here, most of your questions aren't even really questions when you understand what you're asking about.


Well-Known Member
and anything you plug into the wall will increase your electric bill, don't believe the hype of "no power usage" Good weed costs money to grow, period. JR


Well-Known Member
Before you start and besides any bs you might have heard. The yield and quality depends on many factors, what medium? what strain? what nuts? do you have any experience? what is your budget? what kind of environment do you plan? Even though you'll do all you research and think you are prepared, you'll be on the same trail all us dogs walked once. You will do better and better, nobody said growing was cheap, you need good stuff to make good stuff! Start with the best you can and you will avoid headaches then learn. Finally, it's pretty simple, you'll get back from the plants whatever you gave them.


ok well for me i will probably start off with 100$ between everything as i have no job hence the venture.
idk what you mean by medium(im guessing tempature and humidity? nuts? no experience the invironment will be a normal room.
can i get links me to some good hydroponic setup's i have found regular setups i understand.
my buddy has an air stone and a pump and is having trouble finding setups.


Well-Known Member
by medium he means like soil, rockwool, etc. i would suggest buying a 400watt HPS light. it will pay for itself first grow. you can buy one with timer, ballast, etc. for $150-$200. the bulb will last long enough to have 3 grows. 4 plants each grow lets say you pull 2 O a plant so 2oz x 4 = 8oz per grow 3 grows = 24oz of dank from that light. then just spend $40 a get a new bulb.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
These just arrived to me http://www.amazon.com/Sun-System-Watt-Reflector-Ballast/dp/B00269RWQI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1289336091&sr=8-1 I bought 4 for about 30 clones am planning to put in a 12/12 cycle. I know it's not enough light for my project but am in a budget myself.. But it's a great deal to start off small.
Let me get this straight. You spent $325.00 plus shipping on 600w of lighting?


Here's what I got for myself: http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/sunlight-budget-gro-ii-1000w-mhhps-coolsun-ac-grow-light-p-2800.html

Less than $300...

I wish you the best of luck on your $100 endeavor. My opinion is that you should spend this money on food for yourself and save until you can afford to do this indoors. Maybe you can plan an outdoor grow with that cash so that by the middle of next fall you can be harvesting pounds of bud made with free sun light and free ventilation.


Active Member
Let me get this straight. You spent $325.00 plus shipping on 600w of lighting?

Don't know how your grow room is setup but am gonna need about 600 watts spread around... sure buying a single 1000 watt would be cheaper but I already have a 600 HPS and it could only cover so much. Don't want my babies stretching for light due to the grow room's diameter.


Well-Known Member
ok well for me i will probably start off with 100$ between ...
Rhino1111 answered your question regarding the medium. I would strongly suggest that you start in soil rather than hydro. The main reason being, you don't have a serious budget and no experience. Hydro is more complicated than soil since it is a real science at the time of diagnosing your plants. Hydro setup are generally more expensive, besides lights, ballasts, and air control, you need a table, pumps, tank, etc. Since the plants rely only on feeding from the nuts, your cost in products will be higher. Stop a second and consider that if you get some kind of disease in the table, with no experience you won't really know what to look for and all the plants will suffer. In soil, each plant is in its own bag and you get more control.

If you are serious about starting your garden, you should consider to increase your budget. I remember when I started, I spent about $2500, let me tell you than each cents was worth the investment, I would have spent way more if I had to keep buying my medicine at the club.