Club 600

wally nutter

Well-Known Member

dont know why youtube uploaded it sidewaayz


Well-Known Member
I started soaking some new beans last night, let me go through the list, 2 Rocklock, 1 LA Woman, 1 Motavation, 1 Warlock, 1 Pineapple Express, 1 Kings Kush, 1 Wappa, and 1 Galaxy. I am still going to reveg and take clones from my best with this run, so after this seed run it will be all clones from that point. Hoping I find something really nice in this run too. I want big producers that are potent, and finish in a decent amount of time, not too much to ask right? If the Wembley and Violator are good, that will be 2 big producers that are potent, and 1 more would be good, that finishes around the same time as those. So maybe Ill find that this seed run. Though Im not sure I have the room for 3 mothers and their clones. Some work needs to be done to free up the rest of my veg area, part of it is taken up by the inline fan that goes to my flower room. Anyway, 9 plants this time, I did 12 last time, that was way too many, at least with the 6 weeks of veg I gave them. I think these ones will veg around 3 weeks and go into 12/12. Basically when the coletrain is done, these babies will go into the flowering room to make room for some clones from the ones Im going to reveg.


Well-Known Member
I think 2 months should give me enough time to reveg and get some nice clones established. I probably wont push these plants as far as this run, just so I can get my clones going on time. So Ive basically alotted myself 8 weeks flowering time for this next run, if their not completely finished oh well, I will take what is there, put whatever I think is worth keeping around in the veg area (if there is anything), and get my clones running. Thats when my yields will start to be more like what Im looking for. Should have a nice yield if I can get buds like my violator and wembley all the way across in a sea of green.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
HU all i would say is listen to people with experience using it and pay no attention whatsoever to the instructions on the bottle!. i have used 3 bottles of the stuff and all 3 had different instructions, can you believe that?, one bottle says use it near the end of flowering, one said use it at the first sign of flowering and the other said use it in the middle of flowering

i agree with DST it is simply a pk booster so the longer you go in flower you wanna increase the PK and reduce the N.
i still use it just as a booster when using my coco a+b line, when i start to back off the a+b nutes i ditch it and go for atami bloombastic as my pk booster. what do you normally use for a pk boost?
Normally, nothing for a pk boost. I usually give my plants quarter strength nutes from what the manufacturer recommends. About week four or so of flowering I would up the nutes to half strength, that was my pk boost.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
That flushing thing again. I have flushed and not flushed. The last grow I flushed, maybe this one I won't? I think it makes no difference if your bud is dried and cured properly. Actually I don't like to flush, that's a week to ten days of nothing but water. I don't care for that idea, maybe the last few days of nothing but water but ten days?

DST you are correct, this and the last grow I have been concentrating on creating that living soil idea. First I concentrated on the buds, then after acquiring a little knowledge concentrated on the leaves, now it's time to concentrate on the root structure. As those who have been around know, I don't use hot mixes of nutes, I use the less is more method of fertilization. Anyway since starting the clones on rhizotonic a few days ago, today it seems like they have exploded with growth. I gave them some more rhizo today, yesterday they got a light dose of N and some hygrozyme. I also use liquid karma every once in a while on all my plants. As for the chelating, it makes nutrients available immediately to your plants as dst said. My actual macro nutrients pretty much stay the same. I use 9-3-6 for grow and jacks classic blossom booster for flowering, 10-30-20 and I'm quite happy with the results. If I think they need extra N, I give them fish emulsion 5-1-1. I also use silica, 0-0-3. About every fifth watering or so I give them some molasses for the bacteria in the soil to eat. Every once in a while they get some cal-mag. Today in the mail my Zone from dutch master arrived, more root stuff to try out.

Back to the pk thing, it's something like week three or four of flowering, how much pk should I start them with?

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
That flushing thing again. I have flushed and not flushed. The last grow I flushed, maybe this one I won't? I think it makes no difference if your bud is dried and cured properly. Actually I don't like to flush, that's a week to ten days of nothing but water. I don't care for that idea, maybe the last few days of nothing but water but ten days?

DST you are correct, this and the last grow I have been concentrating on creating that living soil idea. First I concentrated on the buds, then after acquiring a little knowledge concentrated on the leaves, now it's time to concentrate on the root structure. As those who have been around know, I don't use hot mixes of nutes, I use the less is more method of fertilization. Anyway since starting the clones on rhizotonic a few days ago, today it seems like they have exploded with growth. I gave them some more rhizo today, yesterday they got a light dose of N and some hygrozyme. I also use liquid karma every once in a while on all my plants. As for the chelating, it makes nutrients available immediately to your plants as dst said. My actual macro nutrients pretty much stay the same. I use 9-3-6 for grow and jacks classic blossom booster for flowering, 10-30-20 and I'm quite happy with the results. If I think they need extra N, I give them fish emulsion 5-1-1. I also use silica, 0-0-3. About every fifth watering or so I give them some molasses for the bacteria in the soil to eat. Every once in a while they get some cal-mag. Today in the mail my Zone from dutch master arrived, more root stuff to try out.

Back to the pk thing, it's something like week three or four of flowering, how much pk should I start them with?

have you ever grown with guano?

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
That is a big no wally. I considered it and almost bought a variety pack of the stuff. What stopped me is I don't know if I brew up a big batch of the stuff, how long does it keep? Beside that, I have not much of an inkling to try to do an organic grow. I have nothing against man made ferts at all and no complaints about how my bud tastes, it tastes good to me. It just seems like another thing that I have to spend too much time to prepare.

I see your babies are coming along nicely there wally. How long do you plan on vegging them?

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
That is a big no wally. I considered it and almost bought a variety pack of the stuff. What stopped me is I don't know if I brew up a big batch of the stuff, how long does it keep? Beside that, I have not much of an inkling to try to do an organic grow. I have nothing against man made ferts at all and no complaints about how my bud tastes, it tastes good to me. It just seems like another thing that I have to spend too much time to prepare.

I see your babies are coming along nicely there wally. How long do you plan on vegging them?
theres nothing wrong with mad made nutes at all, but once you go guano you dont go back. guano brings out the best of the buds. you'll never taste anything as brilliant as guano grown ganj.

if you can use manmade ferts you can use guano. you can mix a big batch of it and let it sit. they recommend 24 hours before you use it. if you dont use it all it ferments longer which is all the better. check this article

with guano you dont have to worry about nute burn, not that its not existant its just you have to be looney to overdue it. guano also provides micro and macro nutrients and the fungi necessary for a healthy soil.

i currently use mexican guano, about a tbsp per gallon, humega tbsp/gal, and unsulphered organic molasses. my girls are loving it. i plan on vegging them till theyre about 3 feet tall

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
mexican rates at 10-2-1, perfect for vegging

then there's peruvian seabird guano, its a hotter poop, but still safe, recommended to sit for72 hours before use. its rated at 10-10-2, perfect for transition

then we go to jamaican, 1-10-.2 for flowering

then for final flowering we go to indo for a npk value of .5-12.02

check out sunleaves "international house of guano" its got everything and its cheap


Well-Known Member
it might sound funny... but I wish I could switch to soil, just to use guano. Got too much invested in my hydro setup though. Plus my previous attempt at soil was disaterous. Maybe I'll try another single pot stuck in the corner and see what happens. Can't be as bad as my first attmept. Maybe I'll do an outdoor plant next year. We'll see.

Almost got my closet in order... well, sorta. And I have a lot more time to invest in getting things ready as my ps3 broke the other day. Fucking sucks.

Props to all who posted plants. Just a lovely bunch of plants we grow here in the 600.

And Man Outdoor Indica... what a selection you have getting ready. Sounds like the choices they have at a dispensary... all out of one grow. Nice!

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
it might sound funny... but I wish I could switch to soil, just to use guano. Got too much invested in my hydro setup though. Plus my previous attempt at soil was disaterous. Maybe I'll try another single pot stuck in the corner and see what happens. Can't be as bad as my first attmept. Maybe I'll do an outdoor plant next year. We'll see.

Almost got my closet in order... well, sorta. And I have a lot more time to invest in getting things ready as my ps3 broke the other day. Fucking sucks.

Props to all who posted plants. Just a lovely bunch of plants we grow here in the 600.

And Man Outdoor Indica... what a selection you have getting ready. Sounds like the choices they have at a dispensary... all out of one grow. Nice!
if you can find the time and space i HIGHLY recommend guano. my pops has grown bud with the full gamit and hes stopped the experimentation when he discovered gauno. fortunately i havent had to waste time to discover gauno's amazing properties


Well-Known Member
with the guanos and other poos out theri, you dont have to make tea with them right? i mean you can add them as a dry powder to the soil when preparing it right?


Well-Known Member
it might sound funny... but I wish I could switch to soil, just to use guano. Got too much invested in my hydro setup though. Plus my previous attempt at soil was disaterous. Maybe I'll try another single pot stuck in the corner and see what happens. Can't be as bad as my first attmept. Maybe I'll do an outdoor plant next year. We'll see.

Almost got my closet in order... well, sorta. And I have a lot more time to invest in getting things ready as my ps3 broke the other day. Fucking sucks.

Props to all who posted plants. Just a lovely bunch of plants we grow here in the 600.

And Man Outdoor Indica... what a selection you have getting ready. Sounds like the choices they have at a dispensary... all out of one grow. Nice!
Ahh dude my ps3 broke down last week. My lil guy shove a piece of cardbord from the back of a picture frame in the drive and knocked it off track. Wouldnt take a disk or read it. If thats what yours is doing jig check out youtube for ps3 repair vids. I ripped into mine and fixed it good as new just from whatching them vids. Cool shit. Anyways glad your getting your grow on jig. Are you going with the flooded tube?

You aint shittin Whodat. Is that the Sour D... ? Them are some fat ass colas!!!


Well-Known Member
hey guys been a little while since ive posted. i harvested most my plants and put a couple more in to replace them. ive got a ? though for my new plants. i was trying to keep these plants healthy and green, so i have been PHing my nutes adding superthrive and molasses yet i still have yellowing on my leaves around the second full week of flower. i havent changed watering cycle so its not over watering, my nutes for flower are 0-10-0 mixd with a small amount of my veg 3-1-3. not sure if i need to get a flower stimulant that is real high in P, like beastie bloomz. thanks for the advice.

last two pics are the plants in ?- the others have the dead growth and yellowing but too far into flower to worry about.



Well-Known Member
hey guys been a little while since ive posted. i harvested most my plants and put a couple more in to replace them. ive got a ? though for my new plants. i was trying to keep these plants healthy and green, so i have been PHing my nutes adding superthrive and molasses yet i still have yellowing on my leaves around the second full week of flower. i havent changed watering cycle so its not over watering, my nutes for flower are 0-10-0 mixd with a small amount of my veg 3-1-3. not sure if i need to get a flower stimulant that is real high in P, like beastie bloomz. thanks for the advice.

last two pics are the plants in ?- the others have the dead growth and yellowing but too far into flower to worry about.
How far in flower are they LG? They look near done from the pics?

EDIT my bad had to go back and read carefully haha. Stoned as i am haha. I dont know what to say LG if your phing youd be in the correct range for ideal nutrient uptake. Perhaps they need a boost of N.


Well-Known Member
Got my seedlings in some soil about 10 minutes ago.I have the LEDS right above the soil to keep it warm. Hopefully in the next few days there will be 9 little girls in there getting ready for their great adventure. Probably just LEDs for my veg this time, as it will only be about 3 weeks. I am using 3 90w ufos. They work well for veg, suck total ass for flowering. I will start feeding my girls earlier this time, I think I waited to long last time, used just water for about the first 3 or 4 weeks. I know thats ok, will keep them going, but doesnt give you their full potential. I dont have enough soil to transplant to when its time, gotta go pick up more from somewhere, but where this time of year? Probably fn walmart, which means miracle grow, damn I hope somehow they have something else. Maybe lowes would have something else. Id hate to order something and have it ship here. Oh well that I will have to deal with in a few weeks. All I know is there started, and Im harvesting over the next few weeks. All is well at the moment. Oh yeah, the soil is half new half recycled. I had a bag of soil left over from the start of this grow, and I reused the soil from my vanilla kush that went hermie. So I mixed them, added some perlite, got the soil damp, and planted the seeds. Most of these are freebies from attitude, but unlike a lot of things I have heard, these were all plump, mature seeds, with good striping. And most of them cracked within 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
with the guanos and other poos out theri, you dont have to make tea with them right? i mean you can add them as a dry powder to the soil when preparing it right?
I'm pretty damn sure you are correct :-)

You aint shittin Whodat. Is that the Sour D... ? Them are some fat ass colas!!!
Thanks !BMM :-) That is the ak but the Sour D is looking good with a quick finish too.

hey guys been a little while since ive posted. i harvested most my plants and put a couple more in to replace them. ive got a ? though for my new plants. i was trying to keep these plants healthy and green, so i have been PHing my nutes adding superthrive and molasses yet i still have yellowing on my leaves around the second full week of flower. i havent changed watering cycle so its not over watering, my nutes for flower are 0-10-0 mixd with a small amount of my veg 3-1-3. not sure if i need to get a flower stimulant that is real high in P, like beastie bloomz. thanks for the advice.

last two pics are the plants in ?- the others have the dead growth and yellowing but too far into flower to worry about.
Sorry not to sure what to say about the yellowing but the finishing buds look FIRE!