Newbie - HELP! Yellow/Rusty Leaves MG soil


Active Member
Mine are getting yellow, rusty spots as well. It's probably obvious what the problem is to you experienced folks. Sadly, I was uninformed and grew them in Miracle Grow soil. Any hope or cure???


New Member
Mine are getting yellow, rusty spots as well. It's probably obvious what the problem is to you experienced folks. Sadly, I was uninformed and grew them in Miracle Grow soil. Any hope or cure???
You been fertilizing with anything? How often do you water? Do you have a PH meter?


Active Member
No ferts but the MG Soil is probably packed with stuff. I water every third day but today I tried flushing 2 of the plants to get some MG fert out. BTW, my HID light is sulpher but about two feet away with a fanned heat vent.


New Member
Flush your pots with some ph 7 water until a small amount, about 10 percent of what you started with, comes out the bottom. Test the PH of this water. You will almost definitely have to adjust the soil ph to bring it in range. This can be done with the plants growing, but don't wait to long. They can still make a full recovery if you get on it.


New Member
I would probably pot up with some really good soil, no matter what. And make sure your soil isn't overly saturated as this is the tendency when flushing because of overfert.


New Member
No ferts but the MG Soil is probably packed with stuff. I water every third day but today I tried flushing 2 of the plants to get some MG fert out. BTW, my HID light is sulpher but about two feet away with a fanned heat vent.
Better see if anyone knows what a sulfur bulb does as I have 0 experience using those.