I need experienced member(s) advice


Active Member
Don't listen to the IDIOTS telling you that you're going to get caught for running 4kw in a grow. Pay your electric bill on time and you'll never have a problem as far as the electric company is concerned. I have 3 computers that run over 2400 watts by themselves.

If you're looking to run 4 lights, stick with something like 10x8. 80 sq ft/50 watts per sq ft = 4000 watts. Depending on what style of growing your comfortable with, you could grow out all 50, or cut the plant numbers down to something more reasonable like 6 per light. I've pulled 1 1/2 lbs per light with a medium yielding strain this way. Of course, longer veg time and some lst/topping will also be required.

What it comes down to most is, cover all your bases. Odor, noise, heat...and make sure that you are the ONLY one that knows what you're doing. Don't put your freedom in the hands of others.

Be safe bro.

PS: If the cops have enough suspicion to get a warrant for FLIR, then you can bet your ass they already have enough against you to prosecute without it. That shit ain't cheap, and there isn't a judge in the country that's going to sign off on a FLIR warrant without proper evidence already in hand. Peace!


Active Member
you could grow out all 50, or cut the plant numbers down to something more reasonable like 6 per light. I've pulled 1 1/2 lbs per light with a medium yielding strain this way. Of course, longer veg time and some lst/topping will also be required.
I agree cut your amount to 24. More plants is not necessarily mean the better outcome.



Well-Known Member
Don't listen to the IDIOTS telling you that you're going to get caught for running 4kw in a grow. Pay your electric bill on time and you'll never have a problem as far as the electric company is concerned. I have 3 computers that run over 2400 watts by themselves.

If you're looking to run 4 lights, stick with something like 10x8. 80 sq ft/50 watts per sq ft = 4000 watts. Depending on what style of growing your comfortable with, you could grow out all 50, or cut the plant numbers down to something more reasonable like 6 per light. I've pulled 1 1/2 lbs per light with a medium yielding strain this way. Of course, longer veg time and some lst/topping will also be required.

What it comes down to most is, cover all your bases. Odor, noise, heat...and make sure that you are the ONLY one that knows what you're doing. Don't put your freedom in the hands of others.

Be safe bro.

PS: If the cops have enough suspicion to get a warrant for FLIR, then you can bet your ass they already have enough against you to prosecute without it. That shit ain't cheap, and there isn't a judge in the country that's going to sign off on a FLIR warrant without proper evidence already in hand. Peace!
FINALLY! someone saying something positive!

I was planning on a SOG grow but now im leaning towards turning the room into a stadium grow. Ive yet to build the room yet. Only thing that is concrete is 40 fem bubba kush, 3 fem DP blueberry, and the 7 freebies (which may not even be dealt with). Honestly i may just grow the kush so i dont have to deal with tending to diff strains.

...now im stuck between if i should go with a stadium grow 12x8 with 3 or 4 1000w, OR go SOG.

Any suggestions if i were to go with a 12x8 stadium?


Active Member
Don't listen to the IDIOTS telling you that you're going to get caught for running 4kw in a grow. Pay your electric bill on time and you'll never have a problem as far as the electric company is concerned. I have 3 computers that run over 2400 watts by themselves.

If you're looking to run 4 lights, stick with something like 10x8. 80 sq ft/50 watts per sq ft = 4000 watts. Depending on what style of growing your comfortable with, you could grow out all 50, or cut the plant numbers down to something more reasonable like 6 per light. I've pulled 1 1/2 lbs per light with a medium yielding strain this way. Of course, longer veg time and some lst/topping will also be required.

What it comes down to most is, cover all your bases. Odor, noise, heat...and make sure that you are the ONLY one that knows what you're doing. Don't put your freedom in the hands of others.

Be safe bro.

PS: If the cops have enough suspicion to get a warrant for FLIR, then you can bet your ass they already have enough against you to prosecute without it. That shit ain't cheap, and there isn't a judge in the country that's going to sign off on a FLIR warrant without proper evidence already in hand. Peace!
your computers are using THAT many wats? holy fuck dude what the hell is ur electric bill? ive never heard of a comp using that much energy. But thats besides the point, having spikes in your electric bill is a very REAL problem, to deny that seems close minded, and it certainly doesnt make us idiots for being aware of ALL POSSIBLE ways of being detected.

Lastly, like i stated before, thermo scans arnt always used as official evidence, they can STILL find you out by even accedently gettin a glimpse of ur house during a training excersize, or if a runaway is comin through ur naighborhood and their trailing him with a copter. It most likely wont be ur sole downfall, in fact i cant think of any case in which it could be... BUT its just ONE more factor. If your calling us dumbasses for trying to be aware of as much as possible then i seriously see flaw in ur judgement abilities.

Sometimes being paranoid will save ur ass...


Well-Known Member
I'm in rural MD too, the last time I had a chopper fly over was..... I can't remember? 25-30 years? But WhiteWidow is right on many points. Better to not throw caution in to the wind. they do have red flags at the EC. I've got a few friends that work at the EC and when wattage jumps like that; it most curtainly does send up a red flag. Especialy with people making Weapons and such since 911. That can lead to an audit and they usualy send someone out to see what the problem is (because to the EC if your consumption jumps 4K watts, something is usualy wrong, there are people leaching off your lines, or your doing something wrong) or at the very least send a letter informing you that your electric bill is going to jump and that your consumption has trippled, which again to the EC is not an everyday thing. Anything that breakes the pattern of consistancy is not normal. Think about how many people have the same general consistant bill and energy consumption month after month. year after year. Most, and when that consistency is is broken.. it appears abnormal and they do have a red flag system as I said. they want to know whats going on!! is it a problem on their end or yours? they don't want to get sued by a disgruntaled customer for leaking energy or split lines what ever, so they do what they should and check it out, nip it in the bud (pun intended) haha. Don't think it can't happen to you! My 2 cents, start off simi small and ease your way up. Somtimes it's better to be a little paranoid!! haha. Your not a dumbass for playing it smart. :)


Active Member
I'm in rural MD too, the last time I had a chopper fly over was..... I can't remember? 25-30 years? But WhiteWidow is right on many points. Better to not throw caution in to the wind. they do have red flags at the EC. I've got a few friends that work at the EC and when wattage jumps like that; it most curtainly does send up a red flag. Especialy with people making Weapons and such since 911. That can lead to an audit and they usualy send someone out to see what the problem is (because to the EC if your consumption jumps 4K watts, something is usualy wrong, there are people leaching off your lines, or your doing something wrong) or at the very least send a letter informing you that your electric bill is going to jump and that your consumption has trippled, which again to the EC is not an everyday thing. Anything that breakes the pattern of consistancy is not normal. Think about how many people have the same general consistant bill and energy consumption month after month. year after year. Most, and when that consistency is is broken.. it appears abnormal and they do have a red flag system as I said. they want to know whats going on!! is it a problem on their end or yours? they don't want to get sued by a disgruntaled customer for leaking energy or split lines what ever, so they do what they should and check it out, nip it in the bud (pun intended) haha. Don't think it can't happen to you! My 2 cents, start off simi small and ease your way up. Somtimes it's better to be a little paranoid!! haha. Your not a dumbass for playing it smart. :)
Exactly, that was so well said i couldnt say it better myself, I dont think thermo scans are likely to be an issue, but its just something im throwing out there because alot of people like to play it as safe as possible. The electric bill issue however will be a BIG deal if it just 5k watts for sure.


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression that in maryland they arent allowed to do thermo heli scans. Even though the room while be insulated. Should i worry about thermo scans? :-/

Odor shouldnt be an issue. i have a 4 foot charcol filter and 700cfm inline CAN fan.

The area im in is very secluded. Neighbors are atleast 100 yards away. with woods to the back.

The primary yield is 5lbs. 4 is acceptable, but im really looking for 100 zips.
If 5 lbs is your goal you could trim your plan in half. 2 1000 watters and 20-25 plants. Or even 4 600 watters to cover 25. Have any grow experience?


Well-Known Member
If 5 lbs is your goal you could trim your plan in half. 2 1000 watters and 20-25 plants. Or even 4 600 watters to cover 25. Have any grow experience?
Ill pretend not to be offended...

Yes i have experience. multiple. ... but i like to be discret.

my problem is with the bubba kush. I assumed it produced a good amount but from what i now hear is that it is a low yielder. I want to be sure i have enough light to produce the amount i want.

I personally have the immpression that 1000w should produce a pound. hense 4000w and dwc buckets. = 5 lbs or hopefully 100+ zips. (for personal consumption of course)


Active Member
your computers are using THAT many wats? holy fuck dude what the hell is ur electric bill? ive never heard of a comp using that much energy. But thats besides the point, having spikes in your electric bill is a very REAL problem, to deny that seems close minded, and it certainly doesnt make us idiots for being aware of ALL POSSIBLE ways of being detected.

Lastly, like i stated before, thermo scans arnt always used as official evidence, they can STILL find you out by even accedently gettin a glimpse of ur house during a training excersize, or if a runaway is comin through ur naighborhood and their trailing him with a copter. It most likely wont be ur sole downfall, in fact i cant think of any case in which it could be... BUT its just ONE more factor. If your calling us dumbasses for trying to be aware of as much as possible then i seriously see flaw in ur judgement abilities.

Sometimes being paranoid will save ur ass...
I never said that it wouldn't. But the OP doesn't need a bunch of people telling him he's going to get caught for running what he wants to run. Are you really close minded enough to think that everyone who runs over a certain wattage gets busted? If you run your mouth you get busted. If you show off your grow you get busted. If you don't cover all your bases. Do yourself a huge favor, and don't worry about the flaws in my judgement abilities. They are mine, and I handle them just fine. Worry more about your own. Thanks.


1 Home server w/ 1000 watt power supply.
1 Gaming PC w/ 1000 watt power supply.
1 General use PC for the entire house w/ 400 or 500 watt power supply, I forget.
5 bedroom house with no central air, so a window AC in every room in the summer.
Electric appliances like stove, hot water heater.

And a substantial sized grow...never heard a whimper from the electric company. Knock on wood of course, but the point of the story is that it's gonna take a whole hell of a lot more than 4kw to get you busted BASED ON ELECTRICAL USEAGE ALONE. I capitalized that because I wouldn't want anyone telling me about how flawed my judgment is by thinking that you can't get busted with that amount or less.


Active Member
For Flowering:

I have a 8x8 tent and run two 600watt hps with 4 led as supplemental light and its adequate lighting. I went with few leds and hps mix to maximize light spectrum and minimize heat and my electric bill. The Kessil h150 are equivilent to a 150hps but only use 30-40 watts so for 600watts of lighting (4 units) i only use 120-160 watt of electricity. I have half the electric bill of my friend that runs 5 600 watt hps and we have very close lighting. I also run my 600hps and leds off of 240v on a separate breaker not sure if that helps.

I would check out Kessil LEDs or the 90watt UFO's and remeber that 600watt hps are most effcient for electricity and lumens. Nothing works like HPS for flowering. All this for flowering

For Vegging:

As for vegging that much cheaper and easier i pulled it off with two 2 bulb t5 fixtures with mixed bulbs. I recently added a blue LED to my veg room and it seems to be helping already.


Well-Known Member
Ok so lets say you have a 12x12 room and you want to grow budd. you have 50 seeds and want 50 plants. 40 green house fem Bubba kush's , 7 freebies, and 3 dutch passion fem'd blueberry. Im going with a dwc bucket system.

Im thinking 4 1000w lights should be enough. What ya think? .... also any ideas/issues you want to address please let me know

1. Make sure you don't tell anyone.
2. Make sure your alarm company does not call the police when your alarms goes off.
3. Pay your electric bill like a regular person.
4. Keep them a secret.
5. Your grow will smell, make sure you have a scrubber and a filter and a mister and some mo stuff to mask the smell.
6. Buy ballast with dimmers, they will allow you to cater your light needs. Most of the time you will not need the full light that a 1KW will put out.
7. Run a electrical service to your room and do not rely on the existing house wiring.
8. Use RIO as your therapy you will want to talk, write it here instead.
9. Good Luck you can do it.


Well-Known Member
To the OP, make a new thread and title it - "Please give me advice, but only what i want to hear"

Hell, put a 1k light in every receptacle in the house, go crazy!



Well-Known Member
Dude your cool on that. As my sig says 5,600 watts :0 Your bill wont get u caught but many other factors can. Hell u could have fish tanks that pull mad juice. You could have business shit in your garage like tools u use. lots of stuff.


Active Member
a uncooled 1000w emitts 6000 btu of heat air cooled is much less need at least 250cfm (your a little off) per light can all be in one line so you only need one intake and exaust, iuse 8" ducting and hoods with one 10 Max fan at the exaust end after teh filter.

my room is 12x12 with 69sqrft growing my plants are 28 inches on ave, i run 4000w HPS for 12 hours and add another 4000w MH for the second half total 8kwats and never go over 83* have 20Kbtu cooling and 1000CFM inline fans And 1578cfm attics fan and no odor control, and i can say im gettig some asap, necause my house stinks my yard stinks and it gos for along bit like half mile im looking into ozone. oh yeah my ac dont come one any more sence it below 59 when the lights are on my heater will when it get below 3o thu.

hope thet helped


Active Member
To the OP, make a new thread and title it - "Please give me advice, but only what i want to hear"

Hell, put a 1k light in every receptacle in the house, go crazy!

I know lol, change your heading. Lets not listen to the few that have concerns, and to the one guy that says, fuck everyone bro just do it, its ok lol.



Well-Known Member
Ill pretend not to be offended...

Yes i have experience. multiple. ... but i like to be discret.

my problem is with the bubba kush. I assumed it produced a good amount but from what i now hear is that it is a low yielder. I want to be sure i have enough light to produce the amount i want.

I personally have the immpression that 1000w should produce a pound. hense 4000w and dwc buckets. = 5 lbs or hopefully 100+ zips. (for personal consumption of course)
Dont know why you would be offended. Seem someone with multiple experience would already know how to go about this. 1 pound+ per 600 watt light is fairly easy to obtain with just a bit of experience. Guessing you are still a novice by your questions. Now you can be offended.


Well-Known Member
a uncooled 1000w emitts 6000 btu of heat air cooled is much less need at least 250cfm (your a little off) per light can all be in one line so you only need one intake and exaust, iuse 8" ducting and hoods with one 10 Max fan at the exaust end after teh filter.

my room is 12x12 with 69sqrft growing my plants are 28 inches on ave, i run 4000w HPS for 12 hours and add another 4000w MH for the second half total 8kwats and never go over 83* have 20Kbtu cooling and 1000CFM inline fans And 1578cfm attics fan and no odor control, and i can say im gettig some asap, necause my house stinks my yard stinks and it gos for along bit like half mile im looking into ozone. oh yeah my ac dont come one any more sence it below 59 when the lights are on my heater will when it get below 3o thu.

hope thet helped
Good point. I general rule of thumb when it comes to cooling. 1000 btus of colling per 100 watts of lights.