Auto-Flower Cage Match! (Revised)


Well-Known Member
I help you guys get back on-topic (I know how hard it is to stay on topic in these kind of threads). ;)

47 day update on the Snowryder contender.

I have been trying to get closer and closer with my current equipment and this is about as close as I can get.

She is filling out nicely. This is the main cola. The lower colas are doing rather well too.
View attachment 1263385

Here is a blown up, sharpened and contrast adjusted shot from the above photo. I am still playing around with some PS plug-ins to try to get the perfect macro with the limited macro equipment I have.
View attachment 1263384

Although I want closer and "bigger", my equipment should be adequate to watch the trichomes.


Active Member
She is looking great KuLong. Here is a pic of my White Dwarf Contender's main cola(good idea with the bold KL).

Day 42 I think, I'd have to check my notes to know for sure. Seems I have the Mag Def under control, you can see the damage on the leaves. The Cage is a bitch, not for the faint of heart. lol

Main Cola 3.jpgMain Cola 2.jpgMain Cola.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice job guys, told you you would all blow mine away lol. But yeah I saw nothing to suggest KuLong's is a hermie. I plan to harvest in about 3 days, so I'll post a before/after harvest pic. Haha KuLon I just saw your sig. Pretty surprised that came from MH, but things got heated and I'm glad we moved on. Peace and properity to everyone :).


Well-Known Member
makes me laugh kulongs reputation pic (Stop acting like child) xD
If standing up for what I believe in makes me a be it. ;)

Here is my girl (Snowryder) at 48 days.

The main cola of course.
48 days main cola.jpg

And just for fun...look at all the lovely clumps. ;)
48 days.jpg

Even though this is a bad photo (blur/lack of light), I wanted to show you guys that she is almost standing at a whopping 23" tall!



Well-Known Member
So we're getting to the business end of this, I'd like for everyone to add their grow details (light, soil mix, etc) to the next update please. Also, get as many pictures of your whole plant so we can have a comprehensive look at the plant, leaves, full top view, stuff like that... mainly for evaluation purposes so we can all see how healthy the plants we are voting on are. Thanks!

I'll have an update soon, I keep forgetting to charge the camera


Well-Known Member
Also, forgot to add: NO doctored, or photoshopped pictures in your updates! There should be no reason to photoshop your pictures, just accept your lighting isn't perfect, or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Also, forgot to add: NO doctored, or photoshopped pictures in your updates! There should be no reason to photoshop your pictures, just accept your lighting isn't perfect, or whatever.
This makes no sense.

Photoshop is used (in its very basic form) to white balance the photograph to make it look more natural.

In short, Photoshop is a tool just like a tripod, Whibal card, reflector, flash, ect...the list goes on and on.

What about settings on our cameras? Are we allowed to adjust the white balance through the camera settings? Can we use a flash or no? Tri-pod acceptable?

What exactly can we use to "photograph" our girls?


Well-Known Member
calm down man. You can post some under the title "photoshopped" or something... using photoshop can give a misrepresentation of the initial picture, not saying YOU are doing that, but I'd prefer if the photos people are looking at to judge are not photoshopped.


Well-Known Member
calm down man. You can post some under the title "photoshopped" or something... using photoshop can give a misrepresentation of the initial picture, not saying YOU are doing that, but I'd prefer if the photos people are looking at to judge are not photoshopped.
I am very calm (even though SOA is continually calling me names and insulting my grow every post).

Very strange you think I am angry simply because I am asking for some clarification. :| Do you think it is possible for you to simply answer my questions without making it into an ordeal every time I post?

I will ask again just in case you did not understand me the first time.

/nice calm voice

As for taking photographs, I would like some clarification on other equipment we can or cannot use that will fit in your new rule set.

For example:
1. Using a tri-pod will help eliminate blurry photos. Is this allowed or should we keep the "natural" blur?
2. Using a Whibal will adjust the white balance for your shots if you are using a DSLR. Is this allowed or do you want unnatural colors in our photos?
3. Using a flash at that close of range would blow out the colors taking away from the girls natural color.

Can I use a Whibal? If so, Photoshop does the exact same thing and I see no harm in it. I personally cannot take my girl outside to use the sun's natural light for obvious reasons.

I think my questions are reasonable since you are changing the rules so late in the game. Don't you? :) <--- happy face to prove I am happy and not angry. ;)


Active Member
All looking very good chaps!

Kulong, your SnowRyder is very similar to 3 of my past autos including the RR, I wonder if this is more of a Ruderalis structure in the gene?. Certainly not hemie lol, what harvest date you’re working too?

As camera and Photoshop goes, my feeling would be to keep it simple, as a lot of us are not as clued up as most and have trouble using a camera to its full capacity never mind Photoshop which not everyone has either, I ant. However using a tripod seams reasonable and using the cameras setting pre-photo seams fair, as we all use different lighting etc, I know my photos could be better if the room wasn’t lit with hps as I have to use the “Tungsten” mode.