Aerocloner Taking Long To Root


Active Member
So I started a bunch of clones for the first time in a DYI aero cloner, water temp is 70 and air 72. Its been 10 days the plants are growing but there is no sign of any roots at all. Is the common with a aero cloner?


Well-Known Member
mabye it depends on strain dude. I get roots in 4 days about. do you use cloning gel and all of that? I use cloneing gel and a very very mild mix of bloom nute and root excelerator in the water.


Active Member
Strains are ww and blueberry, they were all dipped in clonex before being placed in the aero cloner. I've also added H&G roots excelurator into the water. I'm thinking of taking them out and placing them in rapid rooters.


Well-Known Member
If the plants are making noticeable gains in growing, then my guess is that they are getting too much light.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Strains are ww and blueberry, they were all dipped in clonex before being placed in the aero cloner. I've also added H&G roots excelurator into the water. I'm thinking of taking them out and placing them in rapid rooters.
I haven't any problems cloning my blueberry. I don't use an aero cloner or rapid rooters.


Well-Known Member
As long as your plants aren't wilting they should be fine it might just take
longer based on genetics/conditions. I've had some WW take up to 20
days to be ready. Once the root bumps start appearing things really
take off and it's only a couple of days from there before they'll be ready.

One thing I noticed that helped speed my times was taking very thin
slices off the bottom 1" of the root tips. This will also help stimulate root
development along the cut and give you a heavier root start.

Also, I'm not sure your cloning experience but I found anything more than
simple RO water and a powder/gel dip and things took longer, but that's
just from my experiences, no science behind it.