L.A. Missile Launch


I posted it. The US spends a lot of money on missiles (obviously) and their missiles give off white-blue vapor trails because of the expensive, advanced fuel cells. While it is possible that the US intentionally launched the missile and launched a missile with less advanced fuel cells (which would explain the black-brown vapor trails) and then denied the launch, but I doubt it because I don't see any reason for something like this. I also highly doubt it is Russia; Russia does not have much to gain from such actions - it's more likely they would have worked a strategy in Eastern Europe or through allies in Latin America (e.g. missile silos). I believe it was China that launched a (probably ICBM) from an aquatic platform (submarine) off the coast of California. It's not the first time a submarine entered US territory undetected (the Soviet Union has done it before). It's also not the first time a Chinese submarine evaded US detection (refer to the event three years ago the same date as the missile launch this year).
China's allies have been acting strangely.

The question is does this dip into CONSPIRACY range or is it feasible that a Chinese sub actually launched a missile?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
China's allies have been acting strangely.

The question is does this dip into CONSPIRACY range or is it feasible that a Chinese sub actually launched a missile?
Do you know how many times in history conspiracies have been proven or admitted to?

People aren't lying when they talk about CIA mind control and psychic warfare experiments. They aren't lying when they talk about the US having plans drawn up since the 60's for false flag terror events. They aren't lying when they say that under martial law the govt literally can strip you of rights and property. These are all DOCUMENTED.

Now we have literally hundreds of former military personnel coming forward talking about their experiences with UFO's and nuclear weapons. We have doctors extracting objects from people that are not natural or man-made. We have historical records of the military attacking UFO's over populated cities.

When exactly do the naysayers lose all credibility to poo-poo all these so-called "conspiracies?" Why do people that DONT reject these events get labled as kooks? To me, the idea of China launching a missile off of the coast is a pretty miniscule matter in the grand scheme of things.


New Member
Maybe we'll have democracy vs dictators round x....or is that just my imagination?
If you really look at how our "freedoms" have dribbled away, How far are we from a dictatorship? Obama came in with the intention of closing Gitmo, WTF? He said he favored a public option, WTF? He said he'd repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich, WTF? Get out of Iraq, WTF? Surged in Afghanistan, WTF? The WTFs are way more than the accomplishments, WTF?


Well-Known Member
If you really look at how our "freedoms" have dribbled away, How far are we from a dictatorship? Obama came in with the intention of closing Gitmo, WTF? He said he favored a public option, WTF? He said he'd repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich, WTF? Get out of Iraq, WTF? Surged in Afghanistan, WTF? The WTFs are way more than the accomplishments, WTF?
For once we agree. Shock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shock:


Well-Known Member
its not like he didnt try. he had a bunch of retards called republicans that voted no against everything he wanted to do. what you said is exactly why we are NOT a dictatorship. you sound like you are in favor of a dictator. you can promise to move mountains but when you get to office you have to get your plans approved by others. thats the voters fault for being so ignorant to think that someone can just strut into office and do whatever the hell they want. Im glad we dont have a dictatorship.


Well-Known Member
its not like he didnt try. he had a bunch of retards called republicans that voted no against everything he wanted to do. what you said is exactly why we are NOT a dictatorship. you sound like you are in favor of a dictator. you can promise to move mountains but when you get to office you have to get your plans approved by others. thats the voters fault for being so ignorant to think that someone can just strut into office and do whatever the hell they want. Im glad we dont have a dictatorship.
I will remind you, since you libs are evidently so forgetful, that Obama had a democratically controlled congress for the first 2 years of his presidency. Remind me again how the republicans blocked anything.;-) It turns out that his political naivite was his undoing. He made a bunch of promises that weren't in line with what his own party was trying to accomplish and that he had no intention of keeping. lmfao!!!!!!!!!!! He should've realized what would happen when he didn't deliver on many of those promises, and his major accomplishment (healthcare) has been tarnished because, well, it's shit!!!!!!!!! :dunce:


Perhaps it is the corrupting influence of dictatorships.

Are democracy and dictatorships compatible?

I don't claim to have an answer here, just throwing it out.

Keep in mind with globalization, we are moving closer to a "one country world" essentially.

If some of those parts are run by dictators, can we expect good results?


Well-Known Member
the republicans block obama by not letting it go to a vote. they do shit like filibuster. just because you are the minority doesnt mean that cant block legislation. you need to research how our government works. Obama would have done a lot of shit (im not saying it would be good for us) if it wasnt for republican dissent. it turns out that it had nothing to do with his political naivity. here is a link to the first thing that popped up when i searched proving that republicans blocked his intentions. there are many more i will even find one from fox news if you want me to. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/08/30/5001945-obama-to-republicans-drop-blockade-on-small-business-bill

i dont agree with his healthcare bill either. i think we should lower the cost of health insurance instead of raising it, forcing everyone to buy healthcare insurance in the first place.


Well-Known Member
the republicans block obama by not letting it go to a vote. they do shit like filibuster. just because you are the minority doesnt mean that cant block legislation. you need to research how our government works. Obama would have done a lot of shit (im not saying it would be good for us) if it wasnt for republican dissent. it turns out that it had nothing to do with his political naivity. here is a link to the first thing that popped up when i searched proving that republicans blocked his intentions. there are many more i will even find one from fox news if you want me to. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/08/30/5001945-obama-to-republicans-drop-blockade-on-small-business-bill

i dont agree with his healthcare bill either. i think we should lower the cost of health insurance instead of raising it, forcing everyone to buy healthcare insurance in the first place.
I'm all too familiar with how government works my friend. One word..........RECONCILIATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!;-)