soil vs. hydro


im currently growing in soil at the moment and i want to switch over to hydro... what are my advantages over growing in soil... i have 6 4ft. t5 bulbs and 1 150 watt hps as that as my starting point... how much is it going to cost me to swicth everything over to indoor hydro and what do i need... i would like to put these five newly clipped clones in a hydro system...



New Member
Look up Hempy buckets. You grow just like you do in soil, everything is the same except what you put in. Cost to set it up should be under say $50. Nutes are extra.


New Member
Easiest and cheapest complete system yet.
Sorry, not by far. I can make a hempy bucket for like 5 bucks. no moving parts, no replacement parts.

These are plants made in a hempy bucket. You need a plastic bucket or plastic waste pail, punch a small hole near the bottom and fill with perlite. Water about once a week. There is no other hydro that comes anywhere close to simplicity or cost. Yield is the same as any hydro though.


i dont have a problem with temp i keep my house between 70 and 75 year round..... will i yeild more out of soil or hydro?