Well-Known Member
I see so little on Dj Shorts F13 and having never smoked anything by Dj Short before I thought i'd post my initial results.
There are some things into play that you should know to put this in perspective, I haven't smoked in 8 days, I smoked after 11 hours in airports and airplanes, it wasn't dried in an ideal environment (still very humid), I was under a ton of stress and angry as hell when i smoked, and it was cut on day 51 which i thought was early as no amber yet, so my report might a bit flawed, but figured i owed something.
This shit WILL cheer you up. I smoked a bowl of this and my entire world got rocked, the way i can explain it is it was like suddenly my mind expanded to fill the room around me, everything had a cloudy happy hue to it, I was completely relaxed and it just feels like my brain just got much much bigger. WOW. I really really really really like this high.
Now it dried and it smelled better than when I had cut it (at which time it had no noticable smell) to 8 days drying it now smelled more flowery (but not at all strong smelling, very soft smelling but very nice flower smell with slight fruity tone). it looks beautiful and broke up easy. Unfortunatly not being at all cured it was slightly harsh when grinted and loaded in a glass bong, but thats expected from any strain. It had a grassy taste because of the lack of cure too.
Definelty dreamy, you wont question if you are stoned or not. Its very very good if you are in a bad mood or mad or i would guess sad because it will toss you into cartoon land and put everything into perspective. Its a very smooth high, not at all shaking, but at the same time i wouldn't want to smoke a puff of this in public as i'm sure i'd look extremely fricken baked. being clearheaded does NOT mean functional!
The pheno of this plant was very short, flo like i would guess, and very very low yielder.
Potency 9/10 (almost perfect, and after a cure i can see it going 10/10. it has that euphoria i'm looking for in a weed, and its not confusing but it is most definetly perception altering)
Oh yeah, and it made me want to eat, after a week of not having my nausea MMJ and not being able to eat proper amount of food (threw up after 3 deviled egg slices for god sakes while away), to suddenly actually be wishing i had more food around is great. It will fix your nausea suddenly and strongly.
I'm glad I got 8 more of these beans and a larger pheno growing now to try.
I know i'm baked got very little sleep and wrote a really bad review that would get me a D- if the teacher liked me, but there just were no F13 reviews I could find that told me what I wanted to know about it. Also take it as a testament as to how good this shit is.
I see so little on Dj Shorts F13 and having never smoked anything by Dj Short before I thought i'd post my initial results.
There are some things into play that you should know to put this in perspective, I haven't smoked in 8 days, I smoked after 11 hours in airports and airplanes, it wasn't dried in an ideal environment (still very humid), I was under a ton of stress and angry as hell when i smoked, and it was cut on day 51 which i thought was early as no amber yet, so my report might a bit flawed, but figured i owed something.
This shit WILL cheer you up. I smoked a bowl of this and my entire world got rocked, the way i can explain it is it was like suddenly my mind expanded to fill the room around me, everything had a cloudy happy hue to it, I was completely relaxed and it just feels like my brain just got much much bigger. WOW. I really really really really like this high.
Now it dried and it smelled better than when I had cut it (at which time it had no noticable smell) to 8 days drying it now smelled more flowery (but not at all strong smelling, very soft smelling but very nice flower smell with slight fruity tone). it looks beautiful and broke up easy. Unfortunatly not being at all cured it was slightly harsh when grinted and loaded in a glass bong, but thats expected from any strain. It had a grassy taste because of the lack of cure too.
Definelty dreamy, you wont question if you are stoned or not. Its very very good if you are in a bad mood or mad or i would guess sad because it will toss you into cartoon land and put everything into perspective. Its a very smooth high, not at all shaking, but at the same time i wouldn't want to smoke a puff of this in public as i'm sure i'd look extremely fricken baked. being clearheaded does NOT mean functional!
The pheno of this plant was very short, flo like i would guess, and very very low yielder.
Potency 9/10 (almost perfect, and after a cure i can see it going 10/10. it has that euphoria i'm looking for in a weed, and its not confusing but it is most definetly perception altering)
Oh yeah, and it made me want to eat, after a week of not having my nausea MMJ and not being able to eat proper amount of food (threw up after 3 deviled egg slices for god sakes while away), to suddenly actually be wishing i had more food around is great. It will fix your nausea suddenly and strongly.
I'm glad I got 8 more of these beans and a larger pheno growing now to try.
I know i'm baked got very little sleep and wrote a really bad review that would get me a D- if the teacher liked me, but there just were no F13 reviews I could find that told me what I wanted to know about it. Also take it as a testament as to how good this shit is.