Judge this bud!


Well-Known Member
alright... first time grower...

short rider strain
CFL grow

this bud was snipped toward the bottom and freshly trimmed. i have it hanging now to dry... it seems REALLY leafy/fluffy which i don't if that's a bad thing because it is covered in cloudy trichs.... (i'm looking for a head high vs. couch lock.)

what do you guys think? keeping in mind that this is a CFL operation....



Well-Known Member
Was that ready to be cut? Still looks like it had some time. Nice little bud otherwise, lots of trichs.:weed:


Well-Known Member
what do you guys think? keeping in mind that this is a CFL operation....

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I was wondering why it was so fluffy, then i read that. It looks like mostly leaf, but pretty crystally so nice job. Imagine what you could do with a HPS. I started off with CFLs, I wish I had just gone with my HPS. You've got your first grow down, time to upgrade. Keep at it.


Well-Known Member
it's been 6 1/2 weeks flower... according to it's genetics it's time... now there isn't alot of amber trich's, so sure it could use more time, but i'm looking for a more up high... so yeah it probably is a little early for some people's taste...


Well-Known Member
thanks napa. leafy but trichy! so i'm sure it'll fuuuuck me up just fine.... but yeah, next time i'm DEF going with HPS my friend... no questions about it....


Well-Known Member
it's been 6 1/2 weeks flower... according to it's genetics it's time... now there isn't alot of amber trich's, so sure it could use more time, but i'm looking for a more up high... so yeah it probably is a little early for some people's taste...
I've never heard of a strain that finishes in under 7 weeks, and that's usually from the time you start to see hairs, not from when you switch to 12/12.

Never go by a date on the calender, plants don't work like that.:-P


Well-Known Member
Nirvana Short Rider flowering time is 6 to 8 weeks. i'm at 6 1/2 so i snipped a lower bud to sample later. i'm thinking another week to fatten up my main cola a little more.... it's very dense and not very leafy, but my bottom side buds are VERY leafy.... that is because of the lack of light getting there. BUT as mentioned before, leafy but trichy!!


Agreed 7 weeks is the shortest Ive seen a plant go and usually they want 8 or more. Ive noticed when the strain says 9-10 weeks you add 1 week too that and its usually closer. SLH says 9 weeks but it takes mine 10-11 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I am growing AK48 and it says 50-55 days, that is quick! 10% Amber, 50% cloudy, 40% clear right now @ day 40

Nice looking bud bro enjoy the high :D


All honesty, of the best of the best I have seen and tried and the good of the great... I give it a solid 8 but a lot of extra credit going CFL and that it was your first grow. I'm personally not a autoflower fan cause of how the genetics were derived but it looks nice. Kind of risk waiting for lots of amber tricomes but whatever works. Give it a solid 2 weeks curing and let us know some results :)