First time grower... updated pics


Active Member
View attachment 1278334View attachment 1278331View attachment 1278332View attachment 1278330View attachment 1278333All of these are autoflowers...
The first 3 pics are of a Pakistan ryder at 27 days...... the 4th pic is a ak48 at 24 days..... the 5th pic is a blue himalaya at 19 days. Just giving everyone an update on the progress the girls have made the last few days, i made a few adjustments to them after receiving some much appreciated comments and suggestions from everyone on this site. thanks alot for the help and also for the comments. As before, i am open to any suggestions and help. This is my first grow ever and i am enjoying it fully. Thanks everyone and happy growing to all.....


Active Member
the fox farms products are actually working great, Im using the nutes at about half strength what they recommend. The biggest plant i just gave its first dose of tiger bloom and it responded well. I have been using the big bloom through out the whole grow at 1/4 strength to start and moved up to 2tblspns the last few feedings


Active Member
I'm using the same soil and lighting, I use far so good. I will pick up some molasses at the store this weekend.
