definitely burned...what's the solution. ak48 hydro

Learning all the time

Active Member
so, I changed my res three days ago and the next day i started seeing some burnt tips and yellowing lower leaves. i think it was too much nitrogen. i've carefully watched the last day and a half as more and more leaves are becoming scorched and mottled. looking like calcium deficiency, but i believe it was too much nitrogen locking out the cal and mag. i pumped out half of my res and have topped with fresh RO. down to about half the PPM strength, and a ph of 5.7. I have extensive notes on the ammounts of nutrients i used and ph levels through day to day. anyone want to PM me and help me figure out a solution that is best for my situation. i can post no pictures, but will exchange privately. thanks for your help.

Learning all the time

Active Member
i realize the color and magnetic interference is pretty messed up. my lights turn off in an hour and i'll move from my iMac to my laptop and have pics under CFL. hope you can still help.


Well-Known Member
Im not being a dink but surely you understand it is tough to help without being able to see the plant.


Well-Known Member
without pics id would say (calmag) if there are purple/red spots starting to occur. if lvl you say theyre fine butttt................................
also just take off feeding for a week. straight water..change res everyday for the first 3 days after 7 days go back to nutes

Learning all the time

Active Member
last week they were perfectly healthy. they were on an increasing schedule of all advanced nutes with cal mag from botanicare for sup and sweet for taste.

In a 40 gal res R/O water at 10ppm:
cal mag to 317
AN grow to 552
AN micro to 737
AN bloom to 878
Rhino skin
bud candy
bud factor x to 884
bud ignitor to 900
big bud to 935
sweet to 1030
hygrozyme to 1040

this week, i went

cal mag to 312
micro to 841
grow to 1140
bloom to 1340
bud candy
bud factor x to 1345
b-52 to 1430
big bud to 1500

i think i hit them with way too much nitrogen, and that locked out the cal and mag, i tried to compensate by putting some hammerhead in and pumping out half my res refilling it with r/o water and ph'n to 5.7 the ppm is now at 945. should I completely flush the res? or was cutting everything back good enuf?

Learning all the time

Active Member
maybe anyone using an advanced nutes lineup can tell me wether or not i should bother using cal mag at all. cuz it might be too much calcium. I am using R/O water and have heard i must at some point due to the lack of things in said water. please, anyone, help!

Learning all the time

Active Member
So these are the same plants under cfl after my lights turned off. again, cell phone pics but best i can do this quickly.IMG_0993.jpgIMG_0990.jpgIMG_0995.jpgIMG_0991.jpgIMG_0989.jpgIMG_0992.jpgIMG_0994.jpgIMG_0996.jpg

that's a good representation of the coloration and area of the plant at which its happening. I have had nothing but green leaves until 3 days ago. day after res change with previously mentioned nutrient regimen. any insight will be apreciated. please read my previous information before asking a bunch of questions that were already answered. nevertheless i will try to answer everyones questions that are able to help. thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
id say flush slowly goin bac to normal schedule...wats the point of the screen? it doesnt seem practical as they are not being used