DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hey bro hows it going? i took this pic earlier and it reminds me a little of ur Casey J's what u think? :)

K-Train (kush x trainwreck)

edit - 5 weeks 12.12


Well-Known Member
Strain name came to mind, Philleas Fogg - around the brain in 80 ways....

hey bro hows it going? i took this pic earlier and it reminds me a little of ur Casey J's what u think? :)

K-Train (kush x trainwreck)

edit - 5 weeks 12.12
remind me a lot of one pheno of JTR I have going...the one thing I do not like about it is how much it smells like K-Train I used to run...VERY potent!...I got sick of the smell and taste (and more so it's affinity for PM) Looks killer though!



Well-Known Member
hey las, that does look nice, and has the calyxes popping out all over the place like the CJ....which I guess is a trainwreck trait. Thanks for the share bru.

hey bro hows it going? i took this pic earlier and it reminds me a little of ur Casey J's what u think? :)

K-Train (kush x trainwreck)

edit - 5 weeks 12.12


Well-Known Member
D can you shed any light on why he got arrested??

ARJAN gets arrested at Greenhouse Coffeeshop during the 2010 cannabis cup

that's the video. someone recorded it happening.

I wonder what he did? Grow too strong of pot? I mean, it's not like he hasn't been around for years...why did they just now arrest him?

more info when it comes out. if it comes out.​


Well-Known Member
Will be nipping out this afternoon and will ask but I just read that it was a case of mistaken identity. They let him go a couple of hours later. It seems a bit weird based on the fact that most Popo in the Dam know the guy....if I get any more gossip I will let you all know.

D can you shed any light on why he got arrested??

ARJAN gets arrested at Greenhouse Coffeeshop during the 2010 cannabis cup

that's the video. someone recorded it happening.

I wonder what he did? Grow too strong of pot? I mean, it's not like he hasn't been around for years...why did they just now arrest him?

more info when it comes out. if it comes out.​


Well-Known Member
reporting stoned now, haha...2 bongos of outdoor hbxCaliO. Very smooth, smells citrusy but has a slight tinge of fuel in the smoke. Nice afternoon buzz. Heading out soon to get the bloodhound nose to the ground!

our man in Amsterdam reporting stoned.......


Well-Known Member
well no one knew anymore than the current bullshit rumours of mistaken identity...whatever.....The Greenhouse have entered their Super Lemon Haze AGAIN! I heard the one of the nicest is from a coffeeshop called NOON, and they have entered the OG18. The Grey Areas Kief crystals look nice (from Silver Haze) as does their Casey Jones..I should know, I am growing the same cut, although my organic does smell a bit different according to the owner...not sure I can say.
Well the Fairy Gone done it again, she flew right over my house and quickly swooped down with some OGLarryxOGLarry and OGLarryxPlatinumOG, well looks like it could be a fun time for me ahead, lots of new toys and its not even Xmas, hohohohoho...even though it feels as cold today.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Cold you say..LOL,,really???

How is the Cup shaping up this year D??...Any small breeders got the goods????
they reckon its the busiest yet, with the most amount of judges passes sold....it's all bullshit though imo. Peeps walk in and don't even try some of the bud from the smaller stores, they just want to get their cocks out and slap them all over the greenhouse/barneys peeps..I heard Barneys Tangerine haze (or something like that) looks like shit! Ah well, none of my business really, haha.