Thanks RIU!


Well-Known Member
ok so i have been reading on this website for a long time and i've spent hours and hours on other threads as well. before i start i must say the RIU members have their information straight thanks for teaching me so much guys. after christmas i plan my first grow with cfl's. i will be using the rubbermaid setup with FFOF as my medium and the fox farm soil pack. i just recieved my seeds today i got white rhino, blue widow, african free, sour diesel, blue cheese, critical +. as i am afraid to mess these seeds up i was wondering if you guys could help me and let me know the major things to look out for, for my first grow. thanks:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i know ph is a huge problem as well as overwatering/underwatering and nute burn


Well-Known Member
what kind of light will you use? i use (3) 42 watt bulbs for two plants in a small cabinet.

I grow hydro, so cant help with soil questions.



Well-Known Member
how do you like hydro? i havent actually bought the soil yet so im still pretty open to trying hydro and ill be using 4 42 (2700K) 4 40 (6500K) and 4 23 (2700K) for side lighting and im only going to grow two plants at a time


Well-Known Member
I love growing hydro, I grow two plants at a time sadly its all i have room for or i would grow tons more hehe

I built my own Deep water culture or DWC style see pics below

View attachment 1283376View attachment 1283377project 3-1-2010 025.jpg

4 gallon food container (unused) and 5 inch net baskets. If i was to build another i would make it for just two and use a smaller basket. I have two air hoses attached to airstones. I have a dual output air pump i bought from petco.I wrapped the whole thing in aluminum tape (about 7 bucks at walmart)

I filled the baskets with rocks, which you can get off ebay or any hydro store. I place a germinated seed taproot down in some parkseed bio dome starter plugs. rapid rooters work too. Make sure the plug reaches the bottom of the basket. I keep the water half way up the baskets while the plants are young. with lots of bubbles and a higher water level, it will keep the plug moist and you will be off and growing.

Once the roots have grown down into the water, the level isnt as critical. keep the water level up but not all the way full.

No nutrients are needed until the plants are a few weeks old. then i use general hydroponics flora series nutrients. everyone has their own favorite nutrients, those are just mine.

3-24-2010 004.jpg

That's quick and dirty how to start growing in hydro. its just a general overview of how i grow.



Well-Known Member
I would start off by not planting in ffof I saw lots of hot soil this year in the stuff we had. just use some seedling soil then replant in the ffof. I use 100w cfls for veg. Go light on nutes when you start them.


Well-Known Member
I love growing hydro, I grow two plants at a time sadly its all i have room for or i would grow tons more hehe

I built my own Deep water culture or DWC style see pics below

View attachment 1283376View attachment 1283377View attachment 1283378

4 gallon food container (unused) and 5 inch net baskets. If i was to build another i would make it for just two and use a smaller basket. I have two air hoses attached to airstones. I have a dual output air pump i bought from petco.I wrapped the whole thing in aluminum tape (about 7 bucks at walmart)

I filled the baskets with rocks, which you can get off ebay or any hydro store. I place a germinated seed taproot down in some parkseed bio dome starter plugs. rapid rooters work too. Make sure the plug reaches the bottom of the basket. I keep the water half way up the baskets while the plants are young. with lots of bubbles and a higher water level, it will keep the plug moist and you will be off and growing.

Once the roots have grown down into the water, the level isnt as critical. keep the water level up but not all the way full.

No nutrients are needed until the plants are a few weeks old. then i use general hydroponics flora series nutrients. everyone has their own favorite nutrients, those are just mine.

View attachment 1283382

That's quick and dirty how to start growing in hydro. its just a general overview of how i grow.

Thanks! the only reason i havent gone with hydro YET is because the ph is kind of intimidating for a new grower, i have seen alot of grows end because of bad ph but the same could happen for soil i suppose
I would start off by not planting in ffof I saw lots of hot soil this year in the stuff we had. just use some seedling soil then replant in the ffof. I use 100w cfls for veg. Go light on nutes when you start them.
I also have seen this what soil would you recommend for starting seedlings in?


Active Member
FFOF is the shit just first use pellets peat or coco and all will be good. Ph is #1 rule make sure after you add nutes to the water then test the water to up or down it. I wouldnt recommend hydro for first time or just keep studying the fuck out of it untill you feel comfortable. Just keep your ph incheck use good soil give your plants room to grow go easy on the nutes and youll be good.. Use organic nutes you prolly like organic as i believe its nearly impossible to get nute burn w/ organic. And also dont be scared watering to much at once just have good drainige its watering to often that will fuck ya.. Good luck happy holidays hope all is well...


Well-Known Member
seedling soil. I use black gold seedling soil. start off in a solo cup 3-4 full. we started a bunch in ffof some did good but alot burned within a week of sprouting.


Active Member
i use FFoF and i am currently in my first grow i dont know why u wouldnt use this soil, it is the shit! If you do decide to use it you dont need any nutes for about a month


Well-Known Member
seedling soil. I use black gold seedling soil. start off in a solo cup 3-4 full. we started a bunch in ffof some did good but alot burned within a week of sprouting.
i used seedling soil as well and transferred alot of it into my final pots that my grow is in now. works great.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys i think soil will be good for my first grow so i can more fully understand the ph and growing process after this i'll decide if i want to try hydro and desr im going to check your grow out


Active Member
hey man no need to stress on ph if ya wanna try a hydro medium
as long as you get a ph and ec/ppm meter and check your water b4 feeding you will be fine its easy as
i am almost at the end of mt first grow (i went with coco) and it was alot easier than i thought just make sure u get the necessary equipment eg: ph and ppm/ec meter
which ever way you decide to go i wish you the best of luck man