ARJAN gets arrested at Greenhouse Coffeeshop during the 2010 cannabis cup


Well-Known Member

that's the video. someone recorded it happening.

I wonder what he did? Grow too strong of pot? I mean, it's not like he hasn't been around for years...why did they just now arrest him?

more info when it comes out. if it comes out.


bud bootlegger
that sucks.. my guess is that he was in possession of too much mj at one time.. despite what most american's think, mj is not technichally legal in holland.. and coffee shops are closely monitered on how much they posess on the premises on any one time.. over the limit, and to jail you go.. i just read an older issue of high times that i bought that steve hager, the man behind the cannabis cup, got arrested at i think the 14th cup for having too much marijuana in one place at one time.. its sad to say, but it seems like the religius right is now taking over the holland government and are cracking down on the gray areas of the marijuana laws.. one city in holland called mastricht, which is the first city that i smoked any dutch bud in, has passed a law saying that only dutch citizens are allowed to purchase any mj in the city of mastricht.. sounds like mastricht isn't the only dutch city cracking down on the marijuana laws..


Well-Known Member
Arjan blows.


Ahh just kidding. But really though that does suck. I love how people think the weed laws are so happy go lucky there which in reality isnt true as ^ stated. They just recently made it a law that now coffee shops can't even sell HASH to tourists (I.E AMERICANS)

I could probably out smoke half of those bastards over there.

BHOmbsquad bitchhh haha.


Active Member
It's a conspiracy to stop GreenHouse from winning another Cannabis Cup!!!!

No, but I was looking for interesting updates on the cup and found that story as well. It's like television gold! I hate that they don't cover this shit on ESPN or any form of Mainstream Media. I guess the internet is our main stream. Maybe the media just thinks it wouldn't make good television and it will be boring. Espn doesn't even do live coverage of the main event. They take their 20bagillion hours of footage and edit it into decently interesting episodes. Why doesn't someone just edit the feck out of the Cannabis Cup footage and make it a super action packed 23 minute episode!?!?

Is there a place like a that would do live coverage? Not that I know what there is to cover, since the winners wont be announced till the end. But I want me some live coverage gosh darnit. Arjans arrest made this shit super interesting. I'll watch 23 minutes of anything cannabis related. (Don't quote me on that)


Active Member
Bummer, I just watched Strain Hunters yesterday for the first time lol. At least he was probably high when he got busted. ::shrug::


Well-Known Member
oh no doubt.

sure holland isn't completely legal. but it's the most legal in the world apart from cali. but holland doesn't have the feds coming after them unless they are over their limit. It's called regulation.

He should know as one the most famous seed company and coffee shops not to go over the limit


Well-Known Member
oh no doubt.

sure holland isn't completely legal. but it's the most legal in the world apart from cali. but holland doesn't have the feds coming after them unless they are over their limit. It's called regulation.

He should know as one the most famous seed company and coffee shops not to go over the limit
I think Portugal has the loosest MJ laws.:weed:


It's a conspiracy to stop GreenHouse from winning another Cannabis Cup!!!!

No, but I was looking for interesting updates on the cup and found that story as well. It's like television gold! I hate that they don't cover this shit on ESPN or any form of Mainstream Media. I guess the internet is our main stream. Maybe the media just thinks it wouldn't make good television and it will be boring. Espn doesn't even do live coverage of the main event. They take their 20bagillion hours of footage and edit it into decently interesting episodes. Why doesn't someone just edit the feck out of the Cannabis Cup footage and make it a super action packed 23 minute episode!?!?

Is there a place like a that would do live coverage? Not that I know what there is to cover, since the winners wont be announced till the end. But I want me some live coverage gosh darnit. Arjans arrest made this shit super interesting. I'll watch 23 minutes of anything cannabis related. (Don't quote me on that)
haha, the idea of that being on espn is pretty ridiculous:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Then we can do it like they do it on the discovery channel...!

oh wait.. wrong thread?


Poor arjan, good luck.
Hehehe, thought the same out for the dwarfs!

Seriously, bummer he was arrested. Whatever the charge, I hope he is able to straighten it out without fuss. Anyone know what he was actually charged with? I'd appreciate your input.