Auto flower lighting.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever tried putting plants on a 9-3 timer? Would thhis work for auto flowers? I am new and dont know if i should try it.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure that you want your lights running on a 18/6 or a 20/4 on autoflowers cause their going to flower no matter what and you'll want to get as much growth out of them as possible. I am new to this so I could be off a bit on my facts.


Well-Known Member
9/3? 9 on and 3 off in 12 hour cycles?

I am trying a first autoflower grow right now and I will be going 20/4 through veg and flower.

Check my sig for my styles of growing auto's. ;)


Well-Known Member
sorry, i am new, thought it might give more cycles on 9 and 3, same amount of light as 18 and 6, but i realize its stupid lol i run 18 and 6 and plant looks good


Well-Known Member
sorry, i am new, thought it might give more cycles on 9 and 3, same amount of light as 18 and 6, but i realize its stupid lol i run 18 and 6 and plant looks good
Sounds good on paper, If you've got the space to do a test on one or two in a seperate room so that you can do a side by side test I would certainly recomend you try it.


Well-Known Member
really? at first i was thinking it might make harvest time cut in half cuz you would have 2 cycles per day yet the same ammount of light as 18 and 6 but i was told it wouldnt work so i didnt give it a try, i have already successfully harvested an autoberry female and i just found out my lowryder2 is a male so maybe i should kill him and try another abfem on 9 and 3??? does anyone else think this might be a good idea?
please check out my albums on my profile


Well-Known Member
It wont work as your thinking. it will only shock your plant and give you some deformed popcorn buds
really? at first i was thinking it might make harvest time cut in half cuz you would have 2 cycles per day yet the same ammount of light as 18 and 6 but i was told it wouldnt work so i didnt give it a try, i have already successfully harvested an autoberry female and i just found out my lowryder2 is a male so maybe i should kill him and try another abfem on 9 and 3??? does anyone else think this might be a good idea?
please check out my albums on my profile

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
and testing for a week wpont show anything. would takle that long for them to get used to that cycle then you would go and change it.


Well-Known Member
It wont work as your thinking. it will only shock your plant and give you some deformed popcorn buds
do you know for sure? I forgot about this thread, but wondering if there are facts to support this. not saying you are wrong either. just thought auto's are fairly new and might be able to take it. if some one tested an autoflower plant on 9-3 from seed why would there be deformed popcorn buds?


Active Member
Shortening or lengthening the duty cycle ( the combined time for a dark period plus a light period ) will have no effect on the total amount of light the plants get.

With 9/3, a duty cycle of 12 hours, your plants will have light 75% of the time just like an 18/6. 50 days is 1200hrs. In that time your plants will spend 900hrs in the light and 300 hrs in dark regardless. All you've done is change the frequency with which it switches.

There are people who do things like 18/12 instead of 12/12 for flowering photoperiod plants since photos care most about the length of the dark period. However, I read that MJ plants are very sensitive to disruptions in their light period and can go hermie in response.

It might work for autos dunno. I think you would be taking a risk but if you are up for it go for it. I'd love to hear the results. I'm all for experiments done at other people's expense! :)

Turbo Pro

I say try it on a plant or two if you have the room and see what happens, what are you going to loose? A little time/a plant, if you do it just let us know. Thanks Turbo Pro