I'm with you dez. I think there is a relationship with soil and plants that just can't be replicated in hydro. That is not to knock it all, I plan on one day growing at least one plant in some sort of hydro/aero/whatever method but for now, I'm a soil guy, I like the dirt. I also have this nagging picture of springing a leak and it going until there is no more to go, my plants are dead and my house is in bad shape. I'll stick to the dirt. I read a bunch when it comes to this hobby of ours. As whoever stated, we're all looking for the holy grail, or at least parts of it. I'm trying the botanicare stuff because it contains no chemical salts to build up and start screwing with the plants. I was looking at a thread on here that said something like; do your plants look like this? It was a pic of a flowering plant with some crispy leaf tips, we all know the look. He then asked what it was, and then proceeded to describe it as a salt buildup. I could see where there would be plenty of guesses, wrong guesses and I would fall into that category. So I decided to try to get away from using chemical ferts, didn't want to go with guano, although it looks appealing. I ended up after reading an article about growing 'vegan' style, plant derived nutrients basically, going with the botanicare because it is a one part complete nute with secondary nutes and trace elements without any salts to cause a buildup and lockout.
I also bought some neem oil. I've never used it. For those who do, care to share some info on its uses?