1st (proper) Journal. Lemon Haze, Blue Cheese, UK Exodus Cheese. Airpots trial.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
give it 6 months someone will put a claim in against the council and theyll concrete over it no doubt haha

it may be cos im a faaackin northern munkey but i cant stand london.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Yummy pics man! That lemon looking really nice, gonna go 13 weeks 12/12? HBs lookin nice too ;)

thanks bro, was thinking about 11 ish weeks maby a bit longer? what made u say 13 weeks any way bro? nice 2 see u back on the boards bro, think i may of said that last night on ur thread but what the heck i'm stoned lol :bigjoint: uk cheese cross

Nice shot of Tower Bridge las.....handy drainage system, they trying to start dyptheria in London or something?
thought i'd snap it with my camera phone, if i would of realised how close i was to it i would of brought the digi. it sure does look like an open drain lol

give it 6 months someone will put a claim in against the council and theyll concrete over it no doubt haha

it may be cos im a faaackin northern munkey but i cant stand london.
loads of people do! apparently, i didnt see any but could understand how easy it would be

my rule is the further north from london u go the friendlier people are, untill u hit scotland, na only kidding. i'd rather work with a scot than a londerner. young ens are the worst all gangster and that. (well they think they are)

just got back from a bit of hard graft, only half a day but it killed me! my sholders are aching lol. been putting up a scaffold tower and re-sealing some windows, took it all down then put round the front for the next time. certanly a bit more physical than installing a few pc's lol

put a dog into 12.12 last night after a re-pot, not hoping for much of a yeald just a chance to sample the goods before the scrog-off lol. got my next round sorted, 1x hb, 1x dog, 1x lemon haze and 1x timewarp x romulan all scrogged with an auto to keep me going :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye very true that the further north the friendlier peeps are. the youfs of today make me chuckle. callin each other blood lmao your nee gangster lad just a chav with a pitbull

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
aye very true that the further north the friendlier peeps are. the youfs of today make me chuckle. callin each other blood lmao your nee gangster lad just a chav with a pitbull
hahaha yeah thats about right bro

13 weeks is what Ive seen on GHS webpage...if I not remember it wrong?!
i'm gonna go check it out! cheers bro :)

edit - found this on the site says 9-10 weeks (so add a week or 2 then lol)



Well-Known Member
one thing i have learned with the super lemon haze, don't cut it early!. my mate (commercial grower) always cuts his at 10 weeks and i could slap him for it, it just isn't ready that early.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
LOL ur right...I musteve been stoned? Says clearly 9-10 weeks =P
its cool bro i'm glad u did say something coz its sure made me think about it all again

one thing i have learned with the super lemon haze, don't cut it early!. my mate (commercial grower) always cuts his at 10 weeks and i could slap him for it, it just isn't ready that early.
cheers bro thanks for stopping by, what do u recon then bro about 12 weeks 12.12? more?

How's it las, just been checkin out ur thread! Some good stuff mate! +Rep4U

cheers bro, thanks for stopping by. i'll take a look at ur journal when i got a few mins.

off 2 water the ladies with my compost tea :) pics to come this evening. hope we are all having a good one so far?

edit - i was really looking forwards to becoming a mr ganja but i've realised that its only coz i've made 1000 posts. ok then now i want a little green light at the start of my rep, how do i do that?

i've had a look and if dst donny and westy aint got one, then i'm guessing its not easy?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
evening/afternoon/morning :)

i've been sorting out my loft this afternoon and evening, i'm making a kinda room up there, no not a grow room before you ask hehe ;)

Nearly 6 weeks 12.12 (only the 2 at the back lol)

Blue Cheese, think i cut a bit to much netting off but was really high and coundnt be arsed, will have a play around 2moro so it looks kinda like...

This lol. The UK Cheese cross (mop bucket princess)

Dog i've chucked up to 12.12 the other day.

K-Train ;)

Lemon, kinda recovering, u can see the green trying to retun to the leaves down the seam (middle). when my mate see it yesterday he though it had improved slightly.

This one's for TTT as i know he likes his computers hehehe ;) hope ur good bro?

Left 12.12 right 20.4 hours of light (2 nearly identical dogs)

Spluffed lemon

Un-spluffed lemon

Hope ur all having a good weekend?

Las ;)


Well-Known Member
Las Fingerez~ Just got caught up, love your garden, haze mainly lol. Honestly I hopeto get some tight nodes and thick leafs like yours. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Looking Good fingerez, I take it the Dog's are sister plants of the cheese along with the livers and psycosis?
How you doin Don!


Well-Known Member
cheers bro thanks for stopping by, what do u recon then bro about 12 weeks 12.12? more?
i'm not 100% sure to be honest, i reckon 12 weeks is plenty. as i said he cuts at ten weeks with very little flush, i think ten weeks of nutes and a two week flush would be beautifiul.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
everthing in flower lloks beamning, lemon looks your money maker bro!

your dogs look identical to mine too
thanks bro :) the dogs sure do look like fat indica leaves which makes sense with the parents

Looking Good fingerez, I take it the Dog's are sister plants of the cheese along with the livers and psycosis?
How you doin Don!
thanks jambo, the Dogs are a cross between og kush and headband (east coast sour diesel x master kush) - correct me if i'm wrong pls, thats how i belive it anyway lol. have a good one bro

Las, nice update, alles looking Lekker my bru!!! Is that a Brixton briefcase I spy?
are u talking about the record case, the black thing with clasps? never heard of that one if so lol. cheers bro

i'm not 100% sure to be honest, i reckon 12 weeks is plenty. as i said he cuts at ten weeks with very little flush, i think ten weeks of nutes and a two week flush would be beautifiul.
cheers bro sounds like a plan :)

sup jambo man, nah its og kush not cheese related.

blooody freezin here :(
heard on the radio u lot have got it bad. can you believe on the south coast on England this morning the sun was shining and quite warm! Down near Southampton anyway lol

just got back from work and having a blue cheese thats been curing for a week or so now and its uk cheese is becoming more and more present with the fruity taste of the blueberry, pretty tastey and strong :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Las Fingerez~ Just got caught up, love your garden, haze mainly lol. Honestly I hopeto get some tight nodes and thick leafs like yours. Time will tell.
sorry bro must of missed ya on the multi quote! thanks for stopping by and the love, just had another peak at the lemon and she's looking better and better by the day. just about to feed some more compost and bat crap tea, she seems to love it :)


Well-Known Member
actually the thing sitting next to the record case....a Brixton Breifcase was like the very first sony walkman/ipod - a tape deck...and one would carry that about on ones shoulders don't you know:
