two different strains from one bud?

hello im new here and i planted two seeds from a bud i got a couple weeks ago they both come up but they are def two diff plants one has really long leaves like sative and the other short and wide like indica but they were both from the same bud what happened?


Well-Known Member
There is genetic variation in each and every seed. No two are exactly the same. So, yes, socal was sort of on the right track. A "Phenotype" is described as physical attributes. There are varied phenotypes in each strain.


Well-Known Member
Example : us. Though me and my brother are both from the same parents and share a great amount of our genetic code, we don't look alike. So apply that to weed, each set of parent plants doesn't have all identical offspring either.


Well-Known Member
All depends on where the pollen came from also. Could have been from 2 different plants if it was bagseed.


Well-Known Member
Yup all 3 Post uptop are correct. Different Phenos thats why alot of people Pick a mother that looks the most suitable to take clones from


Well-Known Member
Yup all 3 Post uptop are correct. Different Phenos thats why alot of people Pick a mother that looks the most suitable to take clones from
Exactly. Because of the variation from seed to seed we've got a wide range of phenotype characteristics to choose from. This is why there are so many strains out there, the possibilities are limitless..This also makes me think of how much money people waste on "Top Shelf" seeds. Take a total bag of swhag, any bag of shwag, and pick the viable seeds out. Germinate, weed out the males. Out of all your females I'll bet you a good hand-full are genetic hidden gems, and will end up some of the best smoke ever. When you pay for seeds, you pay for someone else to do this.