TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Weed Modifier
yea dude you totally shound post weekly update pics bro i for one would like to see how my god daughter is doing...
Well it is about time someone asked!!! I will get some up shortly just for you buddy!

See people just have to show a little curiosity and i will gladly post some....give me a bit didn't realize a new member replied...must welcome our newest member schoolmeplz!


Weed Modifier
so I stumbled upon your post 38 pgs ago with your lil Charlie Brown xmas tree/Basil...been here thru it all I have a plant that had something fall on it then my cat ate part of it and its the ugliest lil thing but I just dont have the heart to toss it....Im glad this worked out for you, it was certainly entertaining thru all the haters comments etc, Im hoping my lil dwarfie goes fem like yours...I would post pics but I have to learn about this site 1st, I dont understand +rep and all that so pardon my bad manners and just jumping right in here but I wanted to say grow/job well done!
First let me say Welcome to RIU!!! And thanks for making your first post in my thread!

lol yah it has been a rough one at that....but i looked past all the doubters cuz i did it!!! wwwoooohhhhooooo...

Thanks for sharing....sounds like you are allot like me!!!.... and you are more than welcome to ask about anything, as i have a couple of buddies that enjoy helping others feel free to jump in anytime! If i'm not here someone I'm sure would help you if needed!!!


Well-Known Member
For you Godfather!!! :weed: Enjoy...basically the first day when i put her into flower....:bigjoint:
hey lime! thats dope man nice to c her in action.. lookin VERY healthy bro, dam fine work, keep it up! you and reggae mind taking a peek at my latest post on my current grow thread? i got some bad news :(


Active Member
so I stumbled upon your post 38 pgs ago with your lil Charlie Brown xmas tree/Basil...been here thru it all I have a plant that had something fall on it then my cat ate part of it and its the ugliest lil thing but I just dont have the heart to toss it....Im glad this worked out for you, it was certainly entertaining thru all the haters comments etc, Im hoping my lil dwarfie goes fem like yours...I would post pics but I have to learn about this site 1st, I dont understand +rep and all that so pardon my bad manners and just jumping right in here but I wanted to say grow/job well done!
Hey, Don't feel bad...I joined a couple of months ago and only learned how to give + rep about two weeks ago, LOL. I had to go back and hand it out like candy at Halloween. There's some great people with great advice on here and + rep is a way of saying thank you, and that, that person has relevant advice/info. I think you will find the forum very useful. WELCOME!!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome schoolme I do hope everything works out for you! I have to say more should be less quick to toss some plants like me I had some issues and thought it was a wasted effort scrapped my whole first grow :( don't think I told my buddies here that...and lime as always looking good!


thanks for the very warm welcome everyone, looking forward to hangin' with you fine folks, finally got a journal going, I think? too....gonna be a sad day soon as Im thinking 3 of the 10 seem to be males, so arent the best due to light color but will try for better later, thanks again all! Someone stop me before I go rep crazy lol....


Weed Modifier
thanks for the very warm welcome everyone, looking forward to hangin' with you fine folks, finally got a journal going, I think? too....gonna be a sad day soon as Im thinking 3 of the 10 seem to be males, so arent the best due to light color but will try for better later, thanks again all! Someone stop me before I go rep crazy lol....
my friends are all good people....and you are more than welcome here! should post a link you like? or do i gotta find can go rep crazy all you like!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol well lime you are correct I don't shed too much light to you guys about my grow that's because I like to pick your brains.. And well damn I have done so much I don't recall what I have said or to who for that matter! And I am thinking about giving mg another go but man this coco growing is really interesting me maybe an experiment using mg ffof and coco what do you think lime already know there is the ff vs mg but still fun idea