How to Build an Easy Cabinet? Instructions and Pics Step by Step for the Noobs


Active Member
Here is an easy way to hook up some cfls for this cabinet... this light costs about 40.00 bucks total with bulbs...take 20 minutes to make!

1. 5.00 for sheet of metal i curved with my hands....find it in home depot
2. 12.00 for all 8 lights...26watt cfls @ 6500k for veg...home depot
3. 10.00 for light fixture from home depot.
4. 8.00 bucks for 4 y socket adapters at home depot.
5. 5.00 bucks for cheapo extension cord...light duty/everyday use is fine, you arent putting high wattage through it!

this pic shows how i connect the extension cord to the fans wires, even though the fan isnt the light it is the same connection.

chop off the female end of the extension cord, the end without prongs!
splice the wires and hook them up to the light to red, black to black, if the light has a ground do green to green or whatever color the third cord is...twist it together with wire connectors and waalaa its grow time!


Awesome design, I'm going to be trying this out for my new cab. One thing I'm not sure on is the hook and bolt setup- how exactly did you put the hooks and bolts in to hang the chains? You say one in one out on each side but where do the hooks come into play? Thanks for the fantastic advice so far!


Active Member
i just drilled a hole, 1/4inch, and the hooks have threads on both sides so with washers and bolts you can make it secure.


Active Member
hey solar guy, that light fixture thing you have, with that dyi cfl light thing, can you post a link where i could find it, i know you said at home depot but cant find it with that 10 dollar price, i would appreciate it, and btw ncie dyi cabinet you have there, gonna be making one of them for a veg room once i move out.


Active Member
hey solar guy, that light fixture thing you have, with that dyi cfl light thing, can you post a link where i could find it, i know you said at home depot but cant find it with that 10 dollar price, i would appreciate it, and btw ncie dyi cabinet you have there, gonna be making one of them for a veg room once i move out.
u get it? posted it for ya


Active Member
hell yea this set up kicks ass...i want to do a scrog in it with one plant and a led or can put any light in this