How do my 4 week old plants look?

So my first grow is starting week 4 after I germinated my seeds :smile:
My tallest plant is 7 inches and other ones I put my light closer so they got a little more bushy. (3 plants)

I am growing indoor and this is my set up:
Lights- I have 2 40 watt fluorescent sunlight
And a 75 watt fluorescent grow light from walmart
(less than an inch away from plant)
Dirt- lawn and garden starting mix(has perlite and seems to work good)
Fertilizer- Schultz plant food 10-15-10
Temperature- 70 to 80 F
Room- basically lined with aluminum foil
(I am growing in my bedroom in corner 2x1)


Well-Known Member
They look tiny for 4 weeks. You should use a real pot i would say 1 gallon minimum. Those might yield a gram or 2 per plant at best. Are you feeding them? They look like they have some sort of deficiency. If its your first grow it will be a learning experience but its a waste of seeds to grow tiny plants like that no offense just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like your lights are 40 and 75 watt equivalents not really 40 and 75 watts. I say that because the bulbs i use for flowering are 300 watt equivalents but only use 68 watts. for veg growth you should be using bulbs labeled daylight or that have a color temp between 5200K -6500K. Personally mix the lights i use to try to replicate natural sunlight it works for me. Foil doesn't do any good really i had to learn from experience. Try to get mylar if you can.
Seeds were free and yes this is my first grow..
It's not going as well as I was hoping I guess.
I will be buying an hps grow light around Christmas probably a 150 watt.. Will that be a lot better then my lights now?


Well-Known Member
Yeah for a first grow it doesnt really matter what you yeild, it's more about what you learn. About the lights the hps will be better than your. Current lights but then your gonna have to worry about cooling/venting. Personally I use cfls just because I feel they are easiest but it's really about what you plan on doing ( growin enough for yourself and or friends, or moving lbs of product). I would say use this site and others as a resource look at others grows and set ups and be patient. Good luck


New Member
u are using the wrong npk nutes u r using is for flower u need something higher in nitrogen
and i assume by sunlight u meant daylight spectrum which is 6500 k is that correct
as for the 150 w hps add it with lights u are running now then u have both spectrums
Npk that's all I could find in local stores, and I know that isn't what is making them grow slow. I am more worried about the light.
The 2 shop fluoros I have say this EXACTLY: Sylvanian light full spectrum, 40 watt, F40/daylight full spectrum


New Member
ok u got the right spectrum and u need the right nutes now u need something like 30-15-30 for veg
I was hoping to get at least an ounce out of 4 plants but the more the better, shit I would love to get an ounce outa each plant if I can with an hps light with fluoros on the sides.

So for the hps can I just use a small fan to cool/vent my plants? Or would that not be enough? Do I need a heavy duty fan?
Do u think I should just flower these now and get wat I can get? And then start fresh during Christmas when I get veg nutes and my hps light?
Or should I just veg these for another month until Christmas and use the hps light I get for flowering?


New Member
i think u should veg till xmas and add the hps then maybe till then add some more cfls of daylight spectrum an get the correct nutes for veg save others till flower

Do u think I should just flower these now and get wat I can get? And then start fresh during Christmas when I get veg nutes and my hps light?
Or should I just veg these for another month until Christmas and use the hps light I get for flowering?


Well-Known Member
U should get some books or download them online when I was just starting I had alot of questions and just didn't understand alot of things but I bought the Jorge cerventes mj horticulture indoor/outdoor grow bible and I also downloaded some ebooks and put them on my itouch and that book alone saved me headaches and plenty more troubles now I am getting into advanced techniques and my plants are producing more than an ounce each and there happy and healthy i only use cfls dint have the money for hps

I'll try and find the link to some ebooks and post them if u can't get them then I suggest reading the sticky post around this site they have alot of valuable info

If u got a small space u might want to make a cool tube for that hps when u get it small spaces + hps = heat problems

Goodluck if u need any more help let me know I'm on everyday just about all day

Time to burn another I love WaKe-N-DoubleBake lol
Thanks for everything guys it helps haha,
Do u think I should just buy more fluorescents? Or should I go for the hps?
And do u buy your fluorescents online or at a store?

It would be cool if I could get the website or the store.
What fluoros do you use also?
Just wondering what works good for you.