My first blueberry plant!!! Need help!!


Well-Known Member
Thats weird you say that I was thinking six and vegging them for 3 to 4 months depending on growth???? sound good??
sounds good to me buddi. just remember the rule of thumb they will double to triple in size by end. 3-4 months sounds a tini biti long for vegging lol

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Thats weird you say that I was thinking six and vegging them for 3 to 4 months depending on growth???? sound good??

3 to 4 months is a lonng ass time for veg bro.

1 and a half, to 2 months for veg will give you some HUGE plants.. by that time they should be mature, and show preflowers (so you will know if theyre male or female BEFORE you go into flower..

Just remember with your plants in veg: When you flip the switch, [by the end of flower] they will be 2x-3x larger.


Well-Known Member
How do you tell when veg starts the first leaf set?? I go by when i see the plant pop out of the soil but i know thats gotta be wrong. Thanks so much for you guys help yall r the shit!! o and Nas I got 88 grams off the plant on the left and the plant on the right i just chopped yesterday. Its a bombass strain guys and super cheap Ill post pics when i can.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
How do you tell when veg starts the first leaf set?? I go by when i see the plant pop out of the soil but i know thats gotta be wrong. Thanks so much for you guys help yall r the shit!! o and Nas I got 88 grams off the plant on the left and the plant on the right i just chopped yesterday. Its a bombass strain guys and super cheap Ill post pics when i can.
Id say the first fan leaf signifies the end of seedling stage, and the beginning of veg.

Don't worry so much about specific veg time, just veg until they are optimum size for YOUR setup. Vegging until plant maturity isn't necessary, but it helps the plant a little and you'll yield more ;)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hey Nas, check this out and bookmark these two pages.

GREAT information. Pretty much every single thing that could possibly go wrong. It also talks about how PH levels correlate to different nutrients, and micro nutrients. It will say at what ph range the nutrient is locked out (locked out means it wont be absorbed by the plant) I'm guessing you


Here is a guide to pest/infestation problems (I may have sent it to you): << You should bookmark that too, great super informative thread.

But your problem looks like a cal/mag deficiency. Maybe phosphorous. Or a combination.

I'm not familiar with the nutes you listed to be honest, but some if not all appear to all be boosters of some kind? Like additives?

Are you using base nutrients? I'm talking about nutes with different levels of nitrogen, phosphorous, & potassium + micro nutrients?

It also looks like your plants could use some nitrogen, they should be a DARK healthy green. A few look a little light on the green side, some are slightly darker but could still be darker :D

This is the time you should start boosting the basic nutes slowly, they are ready to kick some SERIOUS ass in flowering. You will see some HUGE nugs just wait til they fatten up, they do some serious growing in the last 3-4 weeks and start getting fat as fuck around that time. Your using molasses too yeah? Your plant will love some molasses right now. 1tablespoon / gal or......... 1/4 tablespoon per liter, do it every other PLAN water watering. You should be doing nutes/water/nutes/water right now but you will want to do nutes/water/nutes/molasses+water/nutes/water/nutes/molasses+water get it?


Well-Known Member
Look at that blueberry go! Man, that is such a huge growth. Really nice stuff mate. Keep it up. I just got some new pics up if you wanna check it out. Peace

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Did you get all your problems sorted out brotherman?

PH is vital to the plant maintaining the proper balance of nutrient uptake. Locking out nutes with a high or low ph can stunt growth..

Not to mention you want to get that plant as DARK and HEALTHY ganja green as possible. Like look at the outside of my butterfly wings. I mean that DARK luscious green that only cannabis can produce :)

Not to mention deficiencies in phosphorous or cal/mag or whatever the shit i figured it was like a week ago

I'm too baked man. check out my new glass, im still waiting on the other half of the order that got backordered lol



Well-Known Member
You reckon you could get a pic of them all in the tent? Just intrigued as to how much room you've got left!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
you could have precisely removed each pollen sack at the stem, and disposed of without contaminating... and just kept watching for more sacks :P


Well-Known Member
you could have precisely removed each pollen sack at the stem, and disposed of without contaminating... and just kept watching for more sacks :P
i know what your saying i tought of that but then again its abit of a risk of messing my crop up and i dont wanna risk it right now i just want to go trough my first grow and get a basic understanding abt these babys then ill go all mad and make some crazy monsters

+ i wasnt really to botherd about the SB, i had my 2 blueberry incase something like this happened. i alwais think ahed ;)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i know what your saying i tought of that but then again its abit of a risk of messing my crop up and i dont wanna risk it right now i just want to go trough my first grow and get a basic understanding abt these babys then ill go all mad and make some crazy monsters

+ i wasnt really to botherd about the SB, i had my 2 blueberry incase something like this happened. i alwais think ahed ;)

yeah thats true 'fuck it' more light for the others


Well-Known Member
SHITTING HELL. That blueberry has put on some serious weight! I'm so jelous man. You've still got a tonne of room to kick it as well! Dayummmm, that was a really awesome update. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
SHITTING HELL. That blueberry has put on some serious weight! I'm so jelous man. You've still got a tonne of room to kick it as well! Dayummmm, that was a really awesome update. Keep it up!
ooohhhhhhh yeah there is plenty of spare room, i could fit up to 9 plants like the blueberry in there all in 15L pots but as you know the more plant the higher risk so best is to keep it at a minimum but give them all the light you can and all the nutes you can and afcaurs all the love,toping her ect ect, you will get monsters, 1 monster=3 normal plants

mango tango

Well-Known Member
dude look at that blueberry go!!! i have a dp blueberry i just started flowering after 6 weeks veg and looks like yours did...i hope she looks this good!!! damn + rep for sure. good thing i took clones!!