Has anyones plants yielded over 28 ounces? Mine did! Take a look...

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bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Now I am scared. Oh my what too do???????????
It's not unlike cowboylogic to ridicule and call people troll and some shit about a darwin award. This is a person who admits he has very limited experience in growing marijuana. I have set up and operated grow-ops on the east coast and in British Columbia, yet Mr. cowboylogic claims that I don't know shit about growing pot. The facts are, I've brought proper cloning and the flood and drain budding system to RIU, for everyone to enjoy and have fun while they're growing their pot. I'm not on any persons side. I side with the plant that we all love and cherish as growing pot successfully can be so much fun and it really burns me up to see pot plants cruelized by ignorant people. I've had a single plant produce over twenty oz's in a F&D table so it's really not hard for me to believe that this guy got almost 24 oz,s from a single plant. I haven't noticed anywhere(feel free to correct me) in this thread on how long this plant has been budding for. I never go past ten weeks with any plant in my budding room.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I will answer any questions or comments that sensible people make, but most of these people on this thread are a group of friends that just attack and say stupid stuff that has no relevance to the facts. I did yield that, and i beleive you yielded that too. Someone actually made the comment that there is no way there was enough room for the roots! LOL, this is funny to me, because i used a 3x8 ft 8 inch deep ebb and flow table. How in the hell would there not be enough room for roots? thats way bigger than a 5 gallon bucket. And just by curiosity bird, why dont you go past 10 weeks? I went untill i saw my triches amber up. Thank you for your positive post.
It's not unlike cowboylogic to ridicule and call people troll and some shit about a darwin award. This is a person who admits he has very limited experience in growing marijuana. I have set up and operated grow-ops on the east coast and in British Columbia, yet Mr. cowboylogic claims that I don't know shit about growing pot. The facts are, I've brought proper cloning and the flood and drain budding system to RIU, for everyone to enjoy and have fun while they're growing their pot. I'm not on any persons side. I side with the plant that we all love and cherish as growing pot successfully can be so much fun and it really burns me up to see pot plants cruelized by ignorant people. I've had a single plant produce over twenty oz's in a F&D table so it's really not hard for me to believe that this guy got almost 24 oz,s from a single plant. I haven't noticed anywhere(feel free to correct me) in this thread on how long this plant has been budding for. I never go past ten weeks with any plant in my budding room.


Active Member
YOUR "proof" shows that huge hanging plant was never in that flood table. Your own pictures disprove it. In the pic you clearly mark "the MONSTER" on the left , right below the left of the a/c unit... all other pictures do not show "a MONSTER" overgrowing .. matter of fact, the plants in front are bigger! And finally, the pic that has something harvested (only center plant missing) .you did say the monster was gone! really, theres still a meager plant in the left! These pics prove that there was no "MONSTER" in that flood table... And I proved you deleted (by your own admission) other pictures that showed the grow near harvest, that still didnt have " "The MONSTER" weed.jpgweed7.jpgView attachment 1299314View attachment 1299317View attachment 1299318


Well-Known Member
you must have not watched the video. But, this will be my last time even acknowledging you. Ive counted you as a nuissance thats bring down the thread with what you think is evidence, when really, its making you look like a idiot. Have fun being ignored.
YOUR "proof" shows that huge hanging plant was never in that flood table. Your own pictures disprove it. In the pic you clearly mark "the MONSTER" on the left , right below the left of the a/c unit... all other pictures do not show "a MONSTER" overgrowing .. matter of fact, the plants in front are bigger! And finally, the pic that has something harvested (only center plant missing) .you did say the monster was gone! really, theres still a meager plant in the left! These pics prove that there was no "MONSTER" in that flood table... And I proved you deleted (by your own admission) other pictures that showed the grow near harvest, that still didnt have " "The MONSTER" View attachment 1299319View attachment 1299316View attachment 1299314View attachment 1299317View attachment 1299318


Well-Known Member
And BTW, just to prove how dumb you are...THERE IS NOT WAY TO DELETE PICTURES ON RIU, so whos the dumb ass now? Can anyone confirm this, to show frogster he really is a bitch?
YOUR "proof" shows that huge hanging plant was never in that flood table. Your own pictures disprove it. In the pic you clearly mark "the MONSTER" on the left , right below the left of the a/c unit... all other pictures do not show "a MONSTER" overgrowing .. matter of fact, the plants in front are bigger! And finally, the pic that has something harvested (only center plant missing) .you did say the monster was gone! really, theres still a meager plant in the left! These pics prove that there was no "MONSTER" in that flood table... And I proved you deleted (by your own admission) other pictures that showed the grow near harvest, that still didnt have " "The MONSTER" View attachment 1299319View attachment 1299316View attachment 1299314View attachment 1299317View attachment 1299318


Active Member
In the last picture above, where is the "Monster'... you have never said... .... you have never answered the question in any of my post. Grizzle,, You can and did delete your post.... name calling isn't necessary .... Just answer question in a manner that will bring you justification.


Well-Known Member
In the last picture, the monster is, EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE LEFT, FRONT, BACK, EVERYTHING!!!!
In the last picture above, where is the "Monster'... you have never said... plain and simple.... you have never answered the question in any of my post.


Active Member
Damn Grizz I can't believe so many peeps are (still) spazzing out over this lol. I think you've shown plenty of proof and people are gonna believe whatever they wanna believe so don't sweat it man.

As far as I can tell it is true that you cannot delete pics from your RIU account...I tried after getting bitched out by the wife lol. You can remove them from a thread but not from your account.

Peace! =)


Well-Known Member
Damn bout time this gets proven true or false all the 28zips will be smoked.lmao... I look at it like he not gonna become legend or rich from this so let him have it damn! If by chance he didnt grow 28zips hes put up a hella of a fight lieing imo everyone should leave him the fuck alone lol. R u gonna feal better about ur grows knowing someone didnt achieve this? Hopefully not cuz that would be fuckin SAD +rep bro for whateva u yeild


Well-Known Member
How can i remove them from the thread? Please tell me, because i Tried! I didnt want these fuckers having the satisfaction of looking at my plants no more, with all their negative non beleiveing asses. Frogster is so dumb, i really dont think there is a way to delete, i looked for like a hour the other night.
Damn Grizz I can't believe so many peeps are (still) spazzing out over this lol. I think you've shown plenty of proof and people are gonna believe whatever they wanna believe so don't sweat it man.

As far as I can tell it is true that you cannot delete pics from your RIU account...I tried after getting bitched out by the wife lol. You can remove them from a thread but not from your account.

Peace! =)


Active Member
That pic was first posted by you on post #434 after I accused you deleting pics.... your response "this one?" I have no idea why you answered that way if you didnt delete a pic... regardless..... The picture isnt that clear and I tried to clean it up to see the large root, perhaps someone else could........ BUT! If you say that that is the plant on the left of that pic, I will have to believe it.... Theres alot of bud there! And its coming from something!,,, You just took forever posting that pic and claiming that was the same plant as the one hanging........... You should have posted that pick early in the thread and claimed that was the plant... Hope to see you journal the cuttings.... Thx for the friendly Banter. Frog


Well-Known Member
Thank you smokey. I admited i didnt get 28, i only got 24. That seems to be what people are so hell bent on. When i first posted this thread, i said i got 28, and that was just a mere estimate using the 75% reduction method. After it dried, and i weighed it, ON video to prove to them, and i only got 23-3/4's. But yea, i think i proved it over and over again. The fact is, people dont like to admit when their wrong, but it seems like the people who knew they were wrong, quit visiting my thread in embarrasment. Now if i can only get frogster to go away, LOL!
Damn bout time this gets proven true or false all the 28zips will be smoked.lmao... I look at it like he not gonna become legend or rich from this so let him have it damn! If by chance he didnt grow 28zips hes put up a hella of a fight lieing imo everyone should leave him the fuck alone lol. R u gonna feal better about ur grows knowing someone didnt achieve this? Hopefully not cuz that would be fuckin SAD +rep bro for whateva u yeild


Active Member
How can i remove them from the thread? Please tell me, because i Tried! I didnt want these fuckers having the satisfaction of looking at my plants no more, with all their negative non beleiveing asses. Frogster is so dumb, i really dont think there is a way to delete, i looked for like a hour the other night.
What I did was go the post that had the pics and hit Edit, then I literally just backspaced them out of the post and then saved. Here's the thread I took them out of: https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/383345-lets-play-guess-whats-up.html

The one thing that may* prevent this is some sort of time limit, like maybe you can't add or subtract pics from a post after say 1-2 hours or something. Last night I tried to ADD pics to a post that was a few hours old and couldn't. I had to add them on another post, same thread though of course. This one here: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/388776-cloning-using-peat-pellets-funky.html =)


Well-Known Member
you gotta realize, i have ALOT of pictures, it takes serious time going through them to find the right ones. I also have to watch out for the ones that has peoples faces. I found that video today, did you see it? That shows from stem up how massive this plant was. The fact is, i really didn't understand what you were saying,and what you wanted to see. People keep saying, show your whole grow, I can easily do that. I didnt know this one plant was going to be so big, so i didnt specifically take photos of that, till the end. Hope this helps
That pic was first posted by you on post #434 after I accused you deleting pics.... your response "this one?" I have no idea why you answered that way if you didnt delete a pic... regardless..... The picture isnt that clear and I tried to clean it up to see the large root, perhaps someone else could........ BUT! If you say that that is the plant on the left of that pic, I will have to believe it.... Theres alot of bud there! And its coming from something!,,, You just took forever posting that pic and claiming that was the same plant as the one hanging........... You should have posted that pick early in the thread and claimed that was the plant... Hope to see you journal the cuttings.... Thx for the friendly Banter. Frog


Active Member
Hazarazo, you can delete your own post, pics and all, I just tried it on my own thread,,, the post numbers still stay in order,,, the post below picks up the number you deleted and so on.... And I want to post again that This pic put wayyyyyyyyyyy late in the post after much banter and question, convinced me that it is the hanging plant... He just never said it after he posted the pic... All other pics and the video prove nothing .Btw,, I was never against you, I wanted you to prove the plant,you did after much prodding on my part (it was my plan)... Congrats .... nice plant View attachment 1299451View attachment 1299451
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