Hydroton Reuse/Cleaning?


New Member
So can you use a concetration of H2O2 and water to soak/clean your hydroton rocks so you can reuse them?? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
yup i reuse mine too. I clean the rocks and reuse them two times then replace them with a new batch. i bought a box of hydroton rocks on ebay.



Active Member
Yep I re-use them. I just soak them in H2O2 for 24 hrs, then rinse them thoroughly. I re-use them about 3 times then go buy more.


Well-Known Member
ive had the same hydroton for 6 years, how do you dispose of it?

I have heard expert growers just say to get rid of it after a couple of grows because the hydroton will absorb all sorts of salts and shit ...I dunno I'm so anal I use new hydroton every grow.


Active Member
you can reuse multiple times, clean with hydrogen peroxide or bleach (1:10 ratio) and water, let dry and rinse at least three times so you don't have any residue left over... i've been told by the "experts" from gh and botanicare that hydroton can be reused endlessly if cleaned properly after each use... to dispose you may throw in landfill or wherever, but make sure they are clean, you don't want to be dumping tons of chemicals into the environment...


New Member
i've been told by the "experts" from gh and botanicare that hydroton can be reused endlessly if cleaned properly after each use
i've read & do the same.

how could something like hydroton... that you soak & rinse & soak & rinse & soak & rinse... hold any salts after that process?

i think, if you clean & sterilize, you should be able to re-use hydroton infinitely.

i just bought a 50l bag... i filled an ebb tray last night with stuff i "salvaged" ...i use hydroton a shit ton.

i'm always looking for a way to save $ w/o sacrificing quality... my grows look great using recycled hydroton.


Well-Known Member
Hydroton is not a completely neutral medium. It absorbs ions and stuff when new. This is why new hydroton will cause your PH to rise. Eventually it is saturated and does not cause that to happen.

I just dump the loose hydroton out of the pot for re-use and throw away the rest.


Well-Known Member
I have reused mine for years, I still have some left over still in the original bag. I sterilize mine in scalding hot water and 5% bleach solution. I let that sit until the water is cold, about 2 hours. Then I drain and strain it all and get rid of any plant matter that made it through. Afterwards I rinse it all under hot water again and then let it all sit in the sink and soak overnight. Any salts in there will have been dissolved and will be in the water that you will drain the next day. I then let it all air dry in my product driers ready for the next batch.


Well-Known Member
i used to spread em let em dry out for couple days then put em in a giant metallic bucket inside oven, roots become ashes and get rinsed easily


Well-Known Member
all your plan seem to work fine if your only growing 2 or 3 plants. how the hell is one to clean and sterilize 150-200L of this shit? I do 24 plants in 2 gal pots and use about 4 bags every time, it cost around 80 bucks And would take days to clean so F it i just get new