Blue cheese,trainwreck E&F + multistrain organic grow..1200 watts, aircooled, w/ co2


Weed Modifier
shows how dumb you are, i hope anyone reading your thread doesnt take you serious. Yea, i got that many, OFF 1 plant, what about the rest of the plants, idiot? BTW, i never said i had a real great g/watt, i just said i had a 24 ounce plant, and you said bs. I proved it, and you still cant grip reality. Check this out everyone...

I don't think that was are in a violation of forum are not suppose to post pics or links to your shit with out op's permission !!! this can get you banned???

and i don't think you had permission here....he said get outta here!!! then you post this???wtf...............


Well-Known Member
Hey Trichlone,

I want to try a single plant "organically".
What soil should i use?
Any basic Tips?

Ignore clowns like this Cgrizzle3, he is full of shit.......
Your OP on the other hand is definately impressive.

trichlone fiend

New Member
Hey Trichlone,

I want to try a single plant "organically".
What soil should i use?
Any basic Tips?

Ignore clowns like this Cgrizzle3, he is full of shit.......
Your OP on the other hand is definately impressive.
...I'd use a premium soil, I like Fox Farm's Ocean Forest shouldn't need to fertilize for 3-4 weeks...when you do, I'd stay organic when ferts come to play while in soil....
I like to use organic/guano teas.

...Cgrizzle was just pissed he couldn't convince everyone on the boards that he grew an unheard of yield from a newbie....cried like a female, started stalking anyone that called BS. O'well....hope he finds a forum that tolerates his childish behavior.


Well-Known Member
Thats too funny, go check my post. Everyone is appologizing and saying that they were wrong. Why dont you man up and do the same? Once again, i dont know why anyone would be asking you advice, you dont know squat.
...I'd use a premium soil, I like Fox Farm's Ocean Forest shouldn't need to fertilize for 3-4 weeks...when you do, I'd stay organic when ferts come to play while in soil....
I like to use organic/guano teas.

...Cgrizzle was just pissed he couldn't convince everyone on the boards that he grew an unheard of yield from a newbie....cried like a female, started stalking anyone that called BS. O'well....hope he finds a forum that tolerates his childish behavior.


Well-Known Member
go check out a real operation, not this so called one....
Hey Trichlone,

I want to try a single plant "organically".
What soil should i use?
Any basic Tips?

Ignore clowns like this Cgrizzle3, he is full of shit.......
Your OP on the other hand is definately impressive.

trichlone fiend

New Member
I have a pretty short ignore list: you are now on it. Buh-bye! Douchebag.

...He's the only person on my ignore list.
...I think his small penis complex has gotten the best of him. He was just asking me for advice a couple weeks ago. :wall::wall::wall:
...on another note, how things going brother shnkrmn?


Weed Modifier
...He's the only person on my ignore list.
...I think his small penis complex has gotten the best of him. He was just asking me for advice a couple weeks ago. :wall::wall::wall:
...on another note, how things going brother shnkrmn?

That's funny man....+rep for your grow bro!!! excellent work....helping others!!! +vibes man!!! hope it spreads???


Well-Known Member
Man, I used to ahte winter until I realized it was the best time to grow. My op is just flying right now. I potted up another 15 clones yesterday. I'm going to flower 4 of my chronic mothers; that should set a weight record, lol.

It's my birthday today and my wife's out of the country. hmmmmm. What can I get up to? If it wasn't December and I had a bike like yours it wouldn't be a question. Nice machine man. My wife would beat me to death if I came home with that . . .

...He's the only person on my ignore list.
...I think his small penis complex has gotten the best of him. He was just asking me for advice a couple weeks ago. :wall::wall::wall:
...on another note, how things going brother shnkrmn?

trichlone fiend

New Member
It's my birthday today and my wife's out of the country. hmmmmm. What can I get up to? If it wasn't December and I had a bike like yours it wouldn't be a question. Nice machine man. My wife would be me to death if I came home with that . . .
Happy Birthday man!


Well-Known Member
First of all, i know you googled that photo, LOL. Second of all, your an idiot for posting that you made money off marijuana on the internet. Even if you are a caregiver, your not supposed to be making a ton of money, just wnough to cover your costs and time, and by the look of your grow, it didnt take hardly anything to do. BTW, check out my earnings, someone must have like my shit...LOL My earnings.jpg
...hahahahahaha, listen to this guy....hahahahahahahaha, here's my earnings for my labor. Someone must have liked my shit, ehhh?

View attachment 1300814View attachment 1300812View attachment 1300809View attachment 1300807


Well-Known Member
My problem is that this guy bashed the hell out of my thread, just to come to the conclusion that he was wrong as can be, but hes one of the only ones who wont admit it. Im showing him that it sucks when someone is on his thread being a bitch, like he likes to do to other people.
What's this guy's problem? Even if he is any good, who wants to put up with a trolling kiddy?


Well-Known Member
HAHA, you mispelled my name. Tell your father i like his bike, but you should let him know its not sage your growing in his basement. Your too funny man...Imagine what u could do with poound and a half tree's!
....Here's a little proof for ya.....
...this guy is obsessed with me! I'm not homosexual, please...NO means NO! Leave me alone!
View attachment 1301571View attachment 1301573

...and btw, noone can see your post, your on my ignore list....