Herb Iron

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Me, I like a damp smoldering piece of bituminous coal wrapped in an oily rag to get that deep-hitting CITY draw. lol, Maybe sprinkle some carbonized beefsteak fat up on there too.

Just kidding, yall. I'm high, I admit it. :)

LOL I'm high too man... it's great huh bongsmilie

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Well.. Ordered it..

$75 with shipping for a soldering iron... I'm expecting a good amount from it :) I'm thinking it's well made though.. Small US based companies usually make good shit (example US TUBES)


Well-Known Member
You should update with a smoke report after you try it, I'd be interested in hearing.:-P

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Lol, I just learned what a solar rip was. Cool shit.

On my to do list, need sun and a magnifying glass.8-)

right hahaha :lol:

It really does work.. tastes great too. Myself I used to burn dry leaves with a magnifying glass as a kid... its like that kind of smell, but with weed, and your smoking it :) Superrr smooth

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member

I'm seriously excited to try this shit out...

with my bong and beeline the smoke is so filtered and smooth it just smells sorta like roasted vapor.. and thats WITH combustion... i'm hoping this shit makes my mouth taste like tasty weed bongsmilie

ill be milking this shit like a cow


Well-Known Member
cooltube, man. Investment before pleasure. As I keep reminding my wife: eyes on the prize, baby!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
cooltube, man. Investment before pleasure. As I keep reminding my wife: eyes on the prize, baby!
Well i've finally keyed in to growing more than i smoke which is great, so the cooltube would be for the 400w which would be growing either purely for pissing around cooking,m or for shifting to cover some expensiers, but well, i've no single potential client for even a gram so there isn't that much point in the second cooltube. There ent no prize whatsoever in my eyes other than a meal on the table and a hot bath, that's about as good as life need get :D