you must be slow and stupid if you dont know that it is illegal to bring meds over the state lines to profit. and ya Im a cop so watch out, I KNOW WHERE YOUR AT RIGHT NOW.
and im online so much cuz i go to work all day then come home and check RIU for about 30 mins or so, i have some friends but not much, the people who i thought were my friends snitched on me, now i dont really even like people, cuz most of them are bitches and love drama and cant be trusted.
im am not a loser though, how could i be a loser just because i tell you things that are true and all you do is badmouth other sites and it is not that i even care that you do so, but just cuz you got fucked over cuz your an idiot does not mean every one does.
once again im sorry you hate me for no fucking apparent reasons, except the fact i dont agree with the shit you say along with alot of other people.
Peace and keep hating it is funny