six strains 2000 watts and a shit load of soil


Well-Known Member
Thats what I am watching for mostly

Seems to be doing awesomely thus far...easy and is it really forgiving as they tell you so far?

Green Planet nutes are Excellent so far.. If you contact the manufacturer they there Nutrient products are geared mainly towards the production of marijuana. (They work with ADVANCED NUTRIENTS + DR. HORNBY)

Very Easy and forgiving, no burnt tips or any deficiencies.

Let me tell you these two large mother plants that were re-vegged had there fair share of defeciencies until 4 days after I switched them from AN to the base Green Planet nutrients Groei, without all of the other additives and enhancers.

So this is what convinced me overall to try this nutrient company out. a simple correction of defeciencies and I was hooked..

Green Planets $25 Organic base product (groei) Repaired what AN's $50 Organic base product (Iguana Juice) among others had failed to correct

What I had noticed in the two years of using AN Iguana Juice, was deficiency after deficiency, I had an excellent finished product don't get me wrong, but there were alot of defeciencies.

This stuff is excellent. And unlike most other nutrient companies, there measurements are Per gallon or Per liter measurements.

This is so that you can control exactly how much of the nutrient solution you are giving the plants at any given time giving you much better control of the product and savings in your pocket..

Peace And Happy Growing !!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you enjoy your new stuff :-D.. I got a free sample of Iguana Juice, both grow and bloom. I'm going to try it out on two clones this coming round. And I totally dig having the measurements per liter..Then again, I always take the tablespoon, teaspoon per gallon recipes and break the tbsp and tsp into Mil. Milliliters are so much better to control your nutrients with, as the increments are much smaller. It's easier to use than, say, Tbsp or Tsp's. Instead of working with fractions, it's all whole numbers.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you enjoy your new stuff :-D.. I got a free sample of Iguana Juice, both grow and bloom. I'm going to try it out on two clones this coming round. And I totally dig having the measurements per liter..Then again, I always take the tablespoon, teaspoon per gallon recipes and break the tbsp and tsp into Mil. Milliliters are so much better to control your nutrients with, as the increments are much smaller. It's easier to use than, say, Tbsp or Tsp's. Instead of working with fractions, it's all whole numbers.
I am really enjoying my new stuff..
Thats great to hear Howzer.
Iguana juice is great stuff, but I found the plants to have alot of defs while using it..


Active Member
It is a Solid feeding Program Indeed..
Yes Green Planet absolutely has a feeding schedule for hydro "THE ULTIMATE HYDROPONIC FEEDING PROGRAM"
A little scan on my part and it's yours my friend (it was on the backside of my Feeding Schedule, Green Planet was definately thinking ahead)..

OH Nice! Thanks man much apprechiated! I think I will use this one for my DWC/Drip system I'm getting together! Heard anything about the Lucas Formula? I have heard good things about it! Cheap too.


Well-Known Member
OH Nice! Thanks man much apprechiated! I think I will use this one for my DWC/Drip system I'm getting together! Heard anything about the Lucas Formula? I have heard good things about it! Cheap too.
Your more than welcome.
no experience with lucas.. sorry, i have heard good things if this helps..


Well-Known Member
what does everyone think about me flowering my re-vegged mothers ?? good idea or bad idea ?? I know that I can keep them and take endless ammounts of clones.
But the question is do you think that will I get a huge yield off of these plants due to there size ??
i tried to place a poll, but I am unshure as how to go about doing this, I have tried all of the thread tools to no avail.

Peace and Happy Growing !!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I couldn't really say because I've never kept any mother plants before. I usually just take clones 2 to 3 weeks into flower and and re-veg em. By the time the ones I have in flower are done my clones are ready to go in. Then I just repeat the process from there. I've tried to grow trees but I only use a 400 watt-er and it aint enough to properly grow em all the way out with good results in my small grow space. For me smaller is better. Now that I finally got my closet dialed in I'm considering upgrading to a 600 watt-er.

If you decided to flower those out, they would be monsters. But you have the space and probably the lighting to do the job. I can't remember what your using for lighting though.

Grow on my friend.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I couldn't really say because I've never kept any mother plants before. I usually just take clones 2 to 3 weeks into flower and and re-veg em. By the time the ones I have in flower are done my clones are ready to go in. Then I just repeat the process from there. I've tried to grow trees but I only use a 400 watt-er and it aint enough to properly grow em all the way out with good results in my small grow space. For me smaller is better. Now that I finally got my closet dialed in I'm considering upgrading to a 600 watt-er.

If you decided to flower those out, they would be monsters. But you have the space and probably the lighting to do the job. I can't remember what your using for lighting though.

Grow on my friend.

I was also thinking that the mothers would be monsters if I threw them into flower.

I am using 2 x 600 watt hps and 2 x 400 watt hps to flower.

NO C02

2000 watts total = same spectrum

For veg I am using 1 x 400 watt Metal Halide and 1 x 600 watt Metal Halide.

NO C02

1000 watts Total = same spectrum

I was thinking that I might get an even better yield if i were to switch out one of each hps bulbs for a mh during flower giving me a mixed spectrum.

400 watt hps + 400 watt mh + 600 watt hps + 600 watt MH = 2000 watts mixed spectrum


Well-Known Member
Hell yea. If you have the space and light to do it why not? They'll be so large by harvest you might have to stagger out the chop so the lower bits ripen a bit more. Or maybe some supplement lighting under the canopy somewhere? My two cents.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea. If you have the space and light to do it why not? They'll be so large by harvest you might have to stagger out the chop so the lower bits ripen a bit more. Or maybe some supplement lighting under the canopy somewhere? My two cents.
Thanks Howzer,
I was thinking of putting a 400 watt HPS in a cooltube underneath the canopy for supplemental lighting.
I think that a 400 watt HPS would be enough lighting for underneath the canopy.

2 VOTES !!


Well-Known Member
Yea man 400w is more than supplemental. 2kw over the top will give you a couple good feet of penetration, with 400 below you won't have any space untouched :-).


Well-Known Member
Yea man 400w is more than supplemental. 2kw over the top will give you a couple good feet of penetration, with 400 below you won't have any space untouched :-).
Thats what I like to hear !!

More Light = More Bud

Better Nutrients = Better Bud

Great Genetics = Great Bud

I am definately off to a good start this run at things.. lol


Active Member
Definitly should add those other lights!! Keep an eye on your temps tho, more light=more heat. Cant wait to see the results!


Well-Known Member
Definitly should add those other lights!! Keep an eye on your temps tho, more light=more heat. Cant wait to see the results!
I have the heat under control,I'm not worried about that.

If need be I can just turn on the trusty timer to the AC or re-kook up my cooltube exhaust..

I simply disconnected these both for the winter as temps easil dropped my rooms temps below 60 with the lights off.

with the lights on, the temp stays inbetween 75-83 without the cooltube ducting or the AC running.

I will most likely have to hook up my ducting to my cooltube when it comes time to hook up my other 400 hps and 600 hps lights, as I imagine my temps will rise easily 10 deg or so

I am getting excited also !!!