Hidden Door
i've grown plenty of inside and outside plants in dirt but a total newb to the hydro world. i bought a 27 gallon black tote, a 6" net basket, general hydroponic nutrients and a small bag of hydroton clay marbles. i already had plenty of airstones, pumps and a water chiller from back when i had a few aquariums. the 2 air pumps i'm using are for 170 gallon tanks. they have 4 outlets each and i have 8 12" air curtains weighted to the bottom of the resivoir. my question is, should i have the return from the chiller spraying in the net basket to drench the roots with 68 degree water or should i find another hole away from the plant. the plant is a fem ppp from nirvana, she's about a foot tall and it already has a massive root ball. all this is in a 4x4 closet with a 1000mh for vegging and hps once the screen is filled for flowering. thanks in advance for any help.