the 10/10 theory


They cant use green your correct. Thats y they are green cuz they reflect it into your eye balls. What im saying tho is that the blue light, strictly blue light, shouldnt interrupt the darkness period durring your flower. Thats y they spray it with the blue after teh red. Thats also y the moon wont fuck em up. As far as the MH during flower... it puts off more than just blue light. so less usable light during flower than say the sun/red led/HPS. But the moons light is definately deeper than the MH or blue leds i think that may be difference plus it has a cycle as far as intensity where as a light is the same distance all the time and on alll teh time at the same intensity with no interference.


Well-Known Member
I dunno if this has already been covered, but I can think of two problems with 10/10.

The first being that your plant might not even flower. When we flower plants we essentially trick the plant into thinking that it is later on in the season. Of course there are no seasons in indoor, so there has to be a factor that tricks the plant! What is this factor? The amount of darkness. It's not just convenient that the amount of darkness has an even ratio with the amount of light, it's actually that most plants need 12 hours of dark to be "convinced" that a new season is coming and they need to start flowering. I don't know how much you know about evolution, but this is basically a survival tactic. The only time I would suggest fucking with the light cycle is if and only if you have a mutant plant.

The quality AND yield will go down. By rushing your plant you are depriving it of two of it's most important nutrients, sunlight and darkness. The way THC works is like a sunscreen for your buds. The sun will degrade the sunscreen during the day, and over the night, the plant will apply more of its sunscreen on the buds to protect them from the light. The less time that you allot for your plant to both apply its sunscreen and have its sunscreen degraded, the less amount it will put on. Simple as that, you will have less THC because of this rushed cycle.
Just a side note, most of the times when you rush something the results suffer, bud is no different. Sure, it's a weed, so it will survive, but taking away optimal growing conditions will never give optimal results... period.

Sorry to step on your nads like this... hey, maybe I'm wrong. Might as well try it to prove me wrong, but I wouldn't expect "super awesome" results. Good luck growing, post some pics!

Also, MuntantLizzard is completely right about lights. The only reason why you should even think about getting a new light is if your old one is trashed. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Yeah but when you have the plant on a 15/5 veg, then switch to 10/10 flower, that is when you are tricking the plant to flower. I do agree with you about trich production (thc is just one of the many cannabinoids), but someone really has to try this just to confirm the theory true or false.


Well-Known Member
...I don't feel that this is depriving the plant of any of those things...what a plant does in 24 hours on 12/12 ...should get naturally adjusted to a 20 hour day...completing all things that happen in daylight and darkness...12/12, I feel , is used because we live in a 24 hour day....what I want to do is create a 20 hour the plant still is getting 50% of its life in light and 50% of it in dark...not to increase yeild or quality...but to see if it works out finishing on the early schedual without the quality or yield being lost:bigjoint:

...this started as just a crazy thought...I don't think,in any way, that this is some kind of breakthrough in'm sure horticulture has already thought of anything my fried brain could come up with...BUT, I do think plants are stupid that a 20 hour day just might fool I'm still going for it...and these posts have been great:clap:...thanks everyone...please keep throwing info at me...and all critics are welcome too...just be nice!


Well-Known Member
I have no doubt the plant will grow and produce bud on a 20 hour day, but the quality and quantity of bud, we just dont know. Hence the experiment :D


Well-Known Member
...pretty soon my friend, pretty soon...I have a harvest coming up, then shit to move around and set-up...I'm shooting for Jan 1st now... I want to have both grows start together so we can compare things daily...both grows will have everything the same but the light cycle now...I'm getting 2 of those new bulbs:-P...and I need a roll of polly...and of course the timer issue...I'm 99% sure a digital will be able to be programmed this way...if not it's manual plug and unplug I biggie, I've been doing my flower room manual for a few months timers have took a shit on me this year...I'll see how my budget looks after I get those lights...and if Santa doesn't take all my cash I'll try to get one before the 1st


Well-Known Member
I melted one this summer...i used a 3 prong, no ground adapter to run a 400w and the thing melted like a


Well-Known Member
I got the Hortilux Dual Arc today:-P...set me back $220...I don't think I'll use one for the 12/12 room though, just the 10/10 other 1000w is a Hortilux Super Enhanced that will do just fine for the 12/12...I just wanted the extra blue to maybe help compensate for the shorter days in the 20 hour room

...I'll keep updated pics posted when we start a journal.........see ya


Well-Known Member
Yup...I'm actually going to have it I can open it! that price it's about all I'll be


Well-Known Member
okay, so this is still a go...but for some reason my clones ( homemade bubbler cloner ) have been taking 2-2 1/2 weeks instead of the usual 10 days to get transplantable size roots...
so when I get the ones out that are rooting now ( probable by sunday ), I will be able to take cuttings for the 10/10...since my patients are cool with this, we will be doing 16 plants in each room, 8 Violator and 8 Bubba Kush in each...the only difference at this point is room size and the Dual Arc bulb...the 12/12 room is bigger and those plants get the light from another 1000w also ( there are 2 1000w in 12/12 room now (2 seperate grows), but only 1 directly over the experiment group...make sense?? the 10/10 room is smaller but has great vents/outside air and will have the Dual Arc 1000w bulb with the cloner issue I'm looking for a Jan.10th start day...that gives me 3 weeks from sunday for healthy roots...sound good??

if this is your 1st peek into the 10/10 theory please feel free to join in...all critics welcome...just be nice please!
see ya


New Member
How about synchronizing the actual day light amount through a full grow season replicated indoors (sunrise and sunset)...starting with a higher blue spectrum to resemble the early "spring season like growth" and slowly increasing your red spectrum gradually as the light hours (sunset) reduce in ratio to blue and red spectrum lightning... is my 2 cents. My hypothesis on your 10 and 10 grow will produce a smaller yield, maybe 12/10 ratio would be better. im sure you will have some good buds happy experimental growing


Well-Known Member
How about synchronizing the actual day light amount through a full grow season replicated indoors (sunrise and sunset)...starting with a higher blue spectrum to resemble the early "spring season like growth" and slowly increasing your red spectrum gradually as the light hours (sunset) reduce in ratio to blue and red spectrum lightning... is my 2 cents. My hypothesis on your 10 and 10 grow will produce a smaller yield, maybe 12/10 ratio would be better. im sure you will have some good buds happy experimental growing
I've been thinking about using different bulbs throughout the flowering period...its getting close to start and my budget is limited for this...I dropped $220 on the Dual Arc HPS but that just has more blue spectrum...I figure every little bit will help...I'm thinking like you said,maybe 3 steps thru flowering changing/adjusting spectrums...and I want to play with the night temp too...if I gradually adjust the night temp to match the seasonal change outside it might help things along...for now I have to go with what I got for lights...1000w Dual Arc HPS....thanks for the site info...check back and see how things are working out this winter...see ya