caught out in the cold!


Hypothetical question here.Lets say a friend brought a few mothers that were in the trunk of the car,and it was cold out.Could of been 2 day trip.Now the plants are showing yellowing and black necrotic spots on the leaves,mostly on the sucker leaves.Is it just shock from the cold locking out the nute's?Are they salvagable?have a idea of how to revive them ,but would love some input!


Well-Known Member
Ugggh " Friends" can be dumb :)

The cold will have had some effect but i think it just stunts growth untill its got over the stress , The yellowing could be from a lack of N .

A couple of pics might help :)

I have the same kind of question myself right now , I have a oil filled heater set to come on in my flower room at lights out ( It gets cold in there without it ) ... Timer borked and it failed to come on , Temps dropped down to 55 , As yet i have not noticed any changes but will keep watching them for the next few days , Im lucky that it happened just befor i started the flush period though :)

got some pics ?


Well-Known Member
" Low temperatures at night are OK down to about 60 degrees outdoors, then start to effect the growth in a big way. Mid 50s will cause mild shock and 40s will kill your plants with repeated exposure. Keep your plants warm, especially the roots. Elevate pots if you think the ground is sucking the heat out of the roots. This is an issue if you have a slab or other type of cold floor. "


i would get the new timer,and they will work it out.Since 1999 i have only grown skunk #1.These are granddaddypurp,and i would hate to lose em,I will just transplant to bigger grow bags /w some happyfrog.they should be up and rocking in a week.[hopefuly]


Well-Known Member
i would get the new timer,and they will work it out.Since 1999 i have only grown skunk #1.These are granddaddypurp,and i would hate to lose em,I will just transplant to bigger grow bags /w some happyfrog.they should be up and rocking in a week.[hopefuly]
Yeah i just got a new heavy duty timer , I dont think a short spell of cold will do much harm , Give them time to recover befor repotting , It could make a differnce :)

Here's my new time :)
