DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

mr west

Well-Known Member
hope ya having a cool sat night mate, snows all gone now yay lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: fat bubble and alaskan ice:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hey guys, and girls.....puggled eyes and much love to all for stopping by.

Phew, well I think the only real Q I need to answer, is Donny's. I reckon if you are running 2 DOGs' and one is not showing any signs of nannies, then just clone that bru. I think with the linneage of both donors, the HB and the OG, both renowned for being a bit weird sexually, I think you are going to get a winner, and the straighter it flies the better!



mr west

Well-Known Member
i had to feed the fish b4 their light came on this morning my eyes havent fully woken up yet must build. Im on midwife watch for one of my mums cats whos well over due having kittens lol.


Well-Known Member
lol@ westy, im babysittin two puppies as of yesterday, and i have my own female in heat at the moment(u know how bitch's are on their period)


Well-Known Member
the funny thing about the drippy is that she sat on my carpet yesterday and drew a heart with her own ink, like a perfect heart shape.. lol, no need to say how my ol' lady feels about that..


Well-Known Member
Must be the menstrual week world-wide.

Anyway, kicked the hangover this morning with a few bongs and a joint then crashed back out on the cushions on the living room floor. Got a shwoer, wife made me french toast and I made some more hash. This time I weighed the trim which was 148 grams of trim (plus fan leaves) I run the 160 and 20 and got 11 grams.

On another front, I have some very nice and ripe beans, MangoxCheese regs, DOGxCheese(hopefully fems), BX2male1xBX2, BX2male2xBX2. And after this fat joint of cheese from the buds I just broke up, I am going to make a start on the DPQ seeds...heads buzzin at the minute, haha.


Well-Known Member
I think it depends on the strain. The exodus cheese I believe is a sativa based weed, skunk no1. big Buhdda cheese I think is indica based....someone feel free to correct me.....

mr west

Well-Known Member
well the exodus cut is a pure sativa stone all in the head with litel to no body to it atall. Good job on the beans D


Well-Known Member
clear inbox-io mr westio...

Cheese hash, cheese, and casey jones...quite a nice cocktail actually.

well the exodus cut is a pure sativa stone all in the head with litel to no body to it atall. Good job on the beans D

mr west

Well-Known Member
clear inbox-io mr westio...

Cheese hash, cheese, and casey jones...quite a nice cocktail actually.
bet its a tastey treat thats hard to beat lol, might do a casey deep psychosis and hash joint now i hear that lol. Flash Gorden is on telly lol one of my fave films ever lol, so gay tho.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
bet its a tastey treat thats hard to beat lol, might do a casey deep psychosis and hash joint now i hear that lol. Flash Gorden is on telly lol one of my fave films ever lol, so gay tho.
Good flick awesome soundtrack. Had the oppurtunity to see Freddie Mercury up close before he died. D I forget what its like to have someone make me breakfast lol can tell ya got a good one. Kids just left, we went and cut an xmas tree today. Very bummed out miss them so much and they are growing up so fast..16 and 18


Well-Known Member
Quality film indeed. We wasted our time watching some 300 rip off film, Spartans or something...quite silly. Well this is me just back having another joint, so that done me for a nice 2 hours!!! Was a very fat joint mind you, haha.

It's funny, you think your kids are growing up fast and............ they can't wait to grow up!! Life eh! My wife is the salt of the earth.

Some of my clones leaf tip have died. I think on the last feed due ti it being the end of the bottle of nutes, the build up might have been too much. Does anyone else get like hard bits in the bottom of their bottles? With BioNova Grond/Spuermix there are always these hard lumps...and I shake constantly.


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Loved 300 secially since it was extremely factually correct, cept fer the giant ogres n shit lol. I eat that stuff up!

edit..oh you said 300 rip off film. Gotchya

mr west

Well-Known Member
Quality film indeed. We wasted our time watching some 300 rip off film, Spartans or something...quite silly. Well this is me just back having another joint, so that done me for a nice 2 hours!!! Was a very fat joint mind you, haha.

It's funny, you think your kids are growing up fast and............ they can't wait to grow up!! Life eh! My wife is the salt of the earth.

Some of my clones leaf tip have died. I think on the last feed due ti it being the end of the bottle of nutes, the build up might have been too much. Does anyone else get like hard bits in the bottom of their bottles? With BioNova Grond/Spuermix there are always these hard lumps...and I shake constantly.

I havent seen any hard bits in my cnna coco a and b but the b does get a bit crystaly round the top

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mornin all! or evenin you lot are night owls! love flash gordon cheesey action wicked soundtrack and brian blessed shouting GORDANs ALIIIIIIVE it dont come much better imo.

kool as hell to have seen queen/freddie HC one of the greats i wished id seen in my lifetime. i want to see the stones so badly but im afraid it will tarnish the memory :(
dst, yeah i get crystally salt build up same as westy mentioned but it generall cotes the bottle not lumps

good week to all, im actually going to work today :shock: