Newbie trying to germinate


Well-Known Member
alright I got my light in and if the seed in the soil right now doesnt sprout (i have my doubts) i will put another seed in. so what im goin to do is just germinate all my seeds (8) ive had one in paper towels for three days now w/ no results, 2 seconds ago i put 1 in a glass of water and it floated! dont know if thats good or bad any other ways or opinions???!!



Well-Known Member
Let it soak in that water until the seed sinks...sometimes you may need to tap it and make it sink to the bottom.

Once it sinks...You can either leave it there until the seed splits open or move it to the paper towel and let it continue to germ.

Sounds like you have a thick hull and no water is getting into the shell. I had to germ a Hindu Kush seed for 2 weeks before it popped. I honestly forgot about it almost tossed it. Luckily it didnt dry out .


Well-Known Member
i just started germinating 1 seed yester day useing a germination kit from does anyone know how good these work?


Well-Known Member
hey does anyone know if your supposed to water when germinating in soil couz right now ive had the seed in ther for about 5 days now and water in in the morning or a little if it look real dry and i have the light like an inch or two away.



Well-Known Member
I am pretty new as well but every seed I have done using the above method has sprouted I have 100% success rate just put the seed in a dark colored cofee mug with water wait 24 hours give it a swirl if it sinks....plant it wait a couple of days and it will break ground


Well-Known Member
i just started germinating 1 seed yester day useing a germination kit from does anyone know how good these work?
Most germ kits work well...Or they wouldnt sell. lol

hey does anyone know if your supposed to water when germinating in soil couz right now ive had the seed in ther for about 5 days now and water in in the morning or a little if it look real dry and i have the light like an inch or two away.

Moist soil is what you need...Not wet soggy soil. Everyday watering is overkill. Get a spray bottle and mist the top soil to keep moist.


Well-Known Member
how do you get it to say able to roll a join under my name
also should i have my lights on while germinating in soil and this close
im afraid


Well-Known Member
i just put seeds inbetween a few wet paper towels,put them in a plastic container then put um in a propagater to stay works everytime.


Well-Known Member
ya plants dont need light until they break the surface of the soil.but some ppl have the light on anyway coz they may not be there when there seedling breaks the surface.and i think you need 60 posts to have able to roll a joint under ya name.


Well-Known Member
i should happen within 3 days,you should keep ya germinating seeds some where fairly warm and dark,some seeds wont germinate sometimes and some seeds take upto a week or should plant um root down about 1-1and a half cm down and cover with soil,dont pack the soil down too tight,just gently,then spray a little room temperature water on the soil.


Well-Known Member
Some seeds can seem like they take forever before they ever sprout. Just be patient and you will see results soon. As long as your seeds are kept moist and warm they will sprout whether in dirt or paper towel.


Well-Known Member
Confirmed again. And other way to help your seeds germinate if they are having trouble is to line a match box with some sand paper, then put your seeds in and shake them up a little to scuff them. This will help the water seep in.


Well-Known Member
Confirmed again. And other way to help your seeds germinate if they are having trouble is to line a match box with some sand paper, then put your seeds in and shake them up a little to scuff them. This will help the water seep in.
Emery boards or nail files also work the same way.


Well-Known Member
I just got a thought:
If I put an incendescent light bulb and some tinfoil in my small grow area will that make it warmer? because its kind of cold where I am and I heard it should be prety warm to germinate seeds.


Active Member
Leaves use the light for photosynthesis. When you are still germinating, there are no leaves, therefore light is not needed, basically. As for warmth, if you are going to go buy a light and fixture just for a little warmth, it would cost about the same as buying a seed heating mat at your local hydro store.

Seeds need moisture and oxygen to germinate, so keep the soil moist, not soggy, as BSI said.