First time PC Build/Grow


Active Member
Yo Monko....looking sweet my man! Have you temped just under your bulbs where the tops of the plants are? I was just curious to see how much hotter it is than where you have the therm located. I have 9 cfls in my box and temp is a bit of a problem near the bulbs. Here is an attached pic so you can see what I mean.



Well-Known Member
Yo Monko....looking sweet my man! Have you temped just under your bulbs where the tops of the plants are? I was just curious to see how much hotter it is than where you have the therm located. I have 9 cfls in my box and temp is a bit of a problem near the bulbs. Here is an attached pic so you can see what I mean.

View attachment 1308387
Can't tell but are those exhaust fans under the lights or on top? If there under then that is where your heat problem lies.. As heat rises it needs somewhere to go.. If your exhaust is under the lights then they are unable to vent the heat as well..

I run 3 exhaust fans that equal to around 130 cfm, now they are on the back of the case but there is one located right beside the lights as well I have a 80mm 40cfm fan blowing on the plant but it also cools the bulbs a bit along with blowing the heat directly into my exhaust fans.. My temps with case closed up run around 75-84F depending on what room temps are and that is with lights on.. Hope this helps you some.. And + rep to ya for stopping through


Well-Known Member
Yo Monko....looking sweet my man! Have you temped just under your bulbs where the tops of the plants are? I was just curious to see how much hotter it is than where you have the therm located. I have 9 cfls in my box and temp is a bit of a problem near the bulbs. Here is an attached pic so you can see what I mean.

View attachment 1308387

Like monko said, keep you exhaust at the top of the box and your intake at the bottom. The strength of the fans plays a roll in how cool your box is aswell.:leaf:


Active Member
Exhaust fans are above the lights. I may need to add another fan up top blowing air around. I have two intake fans about the middle of the box.


Well-Known Member
Exhaust fans are above the lights. I may need to add another fan up top blowing air around. I have two intake fans about the middle of the box.
That could be your problem, alot of micro growers have found out that intake fans are sometimes your problem with heat.. My case doesn't have any intake fans, just has 1 fan blowing on the plant and 3 exhaust fans..



Hey all checked in on the little one, did some watering lol and had to tie one of the tops down some more it was shooting up beyond the rest.. Took a few pictures, let me know what you all think :weed:



Well-Known Member
That thing is perfectly semetrical :) Looks amazing bro! Can't wait!

HUDMAN, try taking the intake fans out and just leaving open holes. "Passive Intake" This is how I do it and have no problems. You could also try 4 exhaust fans and 1 intake depending on the cfms of each fan...


Active Member
That could be your problem, alot of micro growers have found out that intake fans are sometimes your problem with heat.. My case doesn't have any intake fans, just has 1 fan blowing on the plant and 3 exhaust fans..
Passive intake is the way to go! Currently I have two exhaust fans and two intake fans, but I plan on flipping my larger intake fan so I have three exhaust and one intake. I need the one small intake near the top to draw in water vapor from my humidifier which helps regulate temperatures near the lights and also keeps the humidity up during the winter. I'll be using passive intake and a small clampy desk fan inside my new grow tent in a couple weeks. Hoorah!

Hey all checked in on the little one, did some watering lol and had to tie one of the tops down some more it was shooting up beyond the rest.. Took a few pictures, let me know what you all think :weed:
That is some really professional-looking LST. Well done. I can't wait to see her pretty flowers!


Active Member
Thanks for the advise all....I will experiment on the air movement around the lights. Seeds should be in any day....cant wait.


Well-Known Member
That thing is perfectly semetrical :) Looks amazing bro! Can't wait!
Thanks TreeZ, yeah I dunno it only got 16hrs of light yesterday and 12 dark before lights turned on today and it grew a bit.. I might have to tie down some other tops tomorrow or the next day just to keep there height the same.. haha I noticed I forgot to retie my counter tie and its disappeared lol, oh well shouldn't hurt it... Just glad its the counter tie and not one I might need to retie :weed:

That is some really professional-looking LST. Well done. I can't wait to see her pretty flowers!
Thanks aggreenvin, I took my time planning out what hook to tie what to just to make sure the plant got as much light as it wanted.. I'm hoping to see pistils soon :) *crosses fingers* + rep for stopping through

sure is a good job of lst'in, real nice man!!
Thanks CD, I think as long as I'm growing I'll either use LST or SCROG techniques as its the best way for these micro grows IMO.. :)

Thanks for the advise all....I will experiment on the air movement around the lights. Seeds should be in any day....cant wait.
Hey not a problem hudman, thats what these forums are for..

Dude, very nice lst you have there. That looks like it's gonna be a good bush. I'm keeping my eye on this one for sure!
Thanks beach, takes patience sometimes as to not break any stems or what not but its worth it I think lol.. + rep for stopping through


Wow! Great grow man. I just finished making myself a PC grow case as well...but I really like the way you did the lights! Very streamline haha. Anyways, I look forward to seeing this thing to the finish. And I hope my PC grow goes this well. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Wow! Great grow man. I just finished making myself a PC grow case as well...but I really like the way you did the lights! Very streamline haha. Anyways, I look forward to seeing this thing to the finish. And I hope my PC grow goes this well. Lol.
Hey thanks Wild, yeah the lights are nice but will be changing them a bit next grow.. GL with your grow man, come back and post a like to the thread when you start a journal.. +rep for stopping through