Legal Advice: How can I grow mothers/clones legally?


I am trying my best to stay within the legal limits of my county (6/12&8oz), but I am really tired of buying clones from the local Co-ops. I've ran into a couple of problems with them and started thinking about getting some beans, getting a mother and just cutting clones off of that...

Can I legally have like 2 mothers, and cut 2 clones off each or will I be in violation since I have 2 "mature" and 4 "immature" even though it's under the 6 limit? Or do they consider the clones to be "mature" also at that point?

I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to have 6 mothers and cut 12 clones off them, but what is a legal way to keep a clone/mother cycle going?

P.S. I tried to look this up so I'm sorry if someone has answered this before.


Well-Known Member
by mature, they mean in flowering. so as long as theyre still in veg, theyre counted as immature

at least thats the way i think it is lol


Well-Known Member
wait so u wana do 2 mothers, cut clones, then flower the clones right away?

those mothers will never flower. they will always be immature. the rest will be immature clones, or mature flowering clones. im not sure how the plant limit works with 6 mature OR 12 immature


Active Member
im a card holder myself pm me ill fill ya in on what i know. a vegging mother is not mature so does not count toward your limit of six mature at least thats how it is in my cty. although u can have a 6inch budding clone; thats mature. peace

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
So sounds like there's no legal way to keep a veg mother and flowering clones?
Offer your doctor $ to up your plant limit :twisted:

Morally dubious I know, but that's the world we live in. Best to keep up.

Some doctors will do this. That supersedes any local law. The supreme court ruled it so. Some docs will write 50 plants on your rec, some will do up to 99. Usually costs an extra $100-300 bucks.

They don't usually advertise this service for obvious reasons, but if their standard rec form has a line on it that says something like "patient special requirement ___" or "limit exemption ___" then they'll usually be game. Just say something like "how can I get my limit increased?". They'll usually quote you a price at that point. Usually better to ask the doc assistant than the doc about that.