The wikileak guy

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
what do u think they should do?

i think someone needs to shut that greedy ahole up hes got/getting very rich from that site fucker :wall: (puting lives/countrys at risk for money)

now there saying if anything happends to him they will leak some doomsday report thingy wtf hacker bitches (get all involved and sue or put them behind bars)

im a kiwi and thinks he needs to be sh()t :fire:


Well-Known Member
dont know what he makes/made of of wikileaks

but, you have to admit, the whole charges in sweden appearing right after his latest shitstorm hit the presses, sure does reek of a setup....


Well-Known Member
Yup...Too obvious if you ask me. Where were the charges @ the time of the crime?

Sounds trumped up on that issue....

But I woulda sent some of those farm boys after him a long time ago if I were US Gov.

I'm a bud nipper.

That Canadian

Active Member
I don't understand why you guys are against this guy. Yea it's unethical he's making money, but don't you think we deserve to know some of the stuff he's putting out? Yea he's causing havoc but in my opinion it's interesting as long as I don't have to take a bullet/nuking for this asshole.


Well-Known Member
I'm not against him or anyone else...

James Bond or Jason Bourne? Who would you support?

Its all a matter of perspective.

I can look at an issue from both sides.


Active Member
I don't understand why you guys are against this guy. Yea it's unethical he's making money, but don't you think we deserve to know some of the stuff he's putting out? Yea he's causing havoc but in my opinion it's interesting as long as I don't have to take a bullet/nuking for this asshole.
The problem I have with this who issue is that people will be hurt by the leaks. Yeah, I'm not going to be effected what so ever, but someone who is a part of our government or who are working with them will be, but it will never be publicized because the people who are effected by these releases are those who actually do the work for the government and rarely receive credit. This leads to less people helping the US government, an increase in security around any government document making a much less user friendly system, aka a much more slow and costly system as well. But, at this point it's his own fault for currently being incarcerated, because many people were willing to pay his bail for some reason, but he refused to give the judge a home address, so if you have a warrant and they can't find you they won't let you go:wall:


Well-Known Member
Woman claiming rape connected to CIA anti-Castro terrorist guilty of killing 73 people in 1976.


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You guys. He's just a whistleblower. Like Deep Throat. The only info they divulge involves government officials malfeasance.


Well-Known Member
and hopefully alot more will, I hope he has some shit on my country's corrupt government.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Oh that's right. He also published videos of American Troops in Afghanistan mercilessly killing woman and children. Forgot. Thanks for reminding me. ;)


Well-Known Member
We have a right to know about the shit this fucked up country tries to hide. I hope a lot of govt officials lose their titles and jobs because of this guy. Fuck what this country gets away with.

Oh and by the way search patent #6630507. Thanks for our cure we can't use, government.


Well-Known Member
And conversations between diplomats.

Me not drinking the kool-aid doesn't mean I'm against Assange. I just think for myself.

I don't believe all of what anyone or gvt says.

No need to be smug.

Just be factual....We actually agree for the most part.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Not being smug. :) Facetious maybe, not smug though. Indeed. The underhanded tricks the U.S. uses to fuck other nationalities over. I'm actually kinda proud of that one. :D America! WE'RE SO FUCKING WILY!!! :)