flowering question


Well-Known Member
Lookin at the new picture I have to agree.. I retract my previous statement & restate my position that thems some fuzzy nuts & your fucked :)

Sorry about the bad news... unless you're looking to gets seeds then Yahoo!!!...


Active Member
Lookin at the new picture I have to agree.. I retract my previous statement & restate my position that thems some fuzzy nuts & your fucked :)

Sorry about the bad news... unless you're looking to gets seeds then Yahoo!!!...

noooooooooooo. not my goal =[. damn i really fucked er up. that was a feminized seed.


Well-Known Member
thanks so much rasputin. unfortunately im going to have to cut the kid in little bitty pieces and hope i dont get caught disposing of the evidence
Trust me, I know the feeling, it sucks. I finally built a cloner and ordered some fem seeds, so I hope to start working with all females soon.


Active Member
done man, as of 20 mins ago. it was mals, them things were popping up all over. and the ones that were there got larger through out the day. i wish i had pics of it right before i cut it.


Active Member
my other 2 are looking female ish, their the 2 smaller ones. the other white widow (in the 2.5 gal black bucket) has went through hell, the damn thing was completely brown, stem leaves and all. and now its lookin like it might be female... im a little iffy on the whole stress = male/hermie theory.
