Club 600


Well-Known Member
I know Lumatek makes a ballast just for this type of application. Probably can find it cheaper this was just the first one when I googled it.

EDIT: Here is one for $310 shipped (240V though)
That would work if I wanted to have the lights on on both grows at the same time I suppose. I was thinking more along the lines of having them staggered. I found out how to do it and there's products for sale that will accomplish the task. They cost about the same as that ballast though so it'd be cheaper to just buy that ballast and have them both lit up at the same time unless you already had the ballast you wanted to use.


Well-Known Member
this plant has been doing real well.....mad foliage,righ now it sit next to the wall,around the same hieght as the rest of the plants
about 13" from bulb.....from the looks of it,that wall is getting some good light.
its a mini Scrog,trying to teach my self a thing or two about what to expect.
i seen a dubble halfpipe grow,over at open grow,with two 600,and boy it has got me hook'd
thats the plans for my sativa grow.

3 weeks flower(og x sour d) x (chemdawg 91 x mass super skunk/nl)


Well-Known Member
I wanted to elaborate a bit on my post from last night if you don't mind.

My wife overheard a conversation between me and the owner of the dispensary I'm hoping to get a job at. After hearing what he pays his growers per pound she suggested I put together another setup to use as a cash crop to help pay for my current grow and give us some extra money since I won't be making what I used to anymore. I figured since there's soo much going on with the vert grow still, it would be best to run an E&F system so I won't have to spend quite as time keep it up as the vert since the vert is still soil and seems to require a lot of attention and time.

I confirmed that he'd want my crop and now I'm going to put something together for it. I'm just going to grow whatever I know I can get good yields from since it's not going to be for me. He's going to get me cards from some patients of the club to keep things as legal as possible after he contacts them to get permission.

I know there's some growers on RIU that get upwards of a pound per light with 600s and would love to be able to hit those numbers but I don't think I have the experience yet to make it so I may run a single 1000w over a 4x4 to have a better chance. I know two 600s will cover more area but it'll cost considerably more to buy two of them and the cooling for two lights than a single 1000W light.

I can't find the thread where I saw that someone was using one ballast to run two bulbs at different times to ask how it's done but wish I could. I think it would be awesome to have two separate grows running from one ballast. I would then just use a 600W ballast and two hood/bulb setups.
Here's what you need buddy!!!

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
There is a new show on CNBC tonight at 7:00 pm eastern. "Cannabis meets capitalism, as the world's most commonly used illicit drug comes out of the shadows and into the mainstream."



Well-Known Member

3 weeks flower(og x sour d) x (chemdawg 91 x mass super skunk/nl)
Nice Rocklocks, I have two of them myself, that took very well to Uncle Bens Topping method, I have 4 tops on all of my plants, except the one rocklock that has 3 because there was no branch on the one side of the second node, how strange.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Gnome, you did and excellent job of keeping the plant green, how? It not only looks green, it looks DARK green, there seems to be no deficiencies that I can see. I do notice a few spots on one of the leaves but that could be anything. Even the undersides of the leaves look great. I hope it smokes as good as it looks, you deserve some real nice bud for the way that plant has been taken care. A tip of the hat to you, good job.

Genuity, yawn. Another perfect grow, how boring. For my money, you are one of the few, very consistent growers on here. Every thing you grow looks great, it's sickening. You give us all something to shoot for. Nice job, as usual.

Mr. Wally, you've come a long way baby in a short time, you're to young to remember the commercial, congratulations to you. Your babies, well, girls now, look great.

You just gotta' love the six hundred, cheers to all.


Active Member
That would work if I wanted to have the lights on on both grows at the same time I suppose. I was thinking more along the lines of having them staggered. I found out how to do it and there's products for sale that will accomplish the task. They cost about the same as that ballast though so it'd be cheaper to just buy that ballast and have them both lit up at the same time unless you already had the ballast you wanted to use.
Actually that Lumatek ballast can run just one bulb at a time or both at the same time so you could do two different light cycles...making it far superior to a flipbox (because a flip box can only run one bulb at a time)


Well-Known Member
Thanks! That one's about half the price of the others I've been finding today. I'm picking up a 1000w setup on the cheap ($160 for mag ballast, bulb and air cooled reflector) later this week but would like to get my hands on one of those flip boxes too. How's two vertical grows side by side using two 600s and divided by a curtain sound, hehe. Not saying I'm going to do that but I suppose I could. The ballast supposedly is new but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Actually that Lumatek ballast can run just one bulb at a time or both at the same time so you could do two different light cycles...making it far superior to a flipbox (because a flip box can only run one bulb at a time)
I didn't see that it could run the two bulbs at separate times, cool.

In the interest of removing the grow from around my kids, I'll be relocating it to a place away from my house over the next month or so. I'm starting with setting up the new system and then will move everything I have now over there litle by little. I might get one of those little tomato tents to keep here for growing males for pollen but that's it. Everything else is going away from my house.

Then I'll finally feel comfortable sitting in the garage while the kids play out front again and I know they miss that. I just worried about neighbors asking what the room was for or something if I had the door open so it only get's opened long enough to get a car in or out and then it's closed back up.


Well-Known Member
There is a new show on CNBC tonight at 7:00 pm eastern. "Cannabis meets capitalism, as the world's most commonly used illicit drug comes out of the shadows and into the mainstream."

i waiting now,since i dont got no smoke.

HU,u are jus crazy,and i think thats why i like ya.....

well im trying to get the veg room clear out,so i can start
bubbel dust x dubbel strawberry diesel
anesthesia f1
cheeseberry haze
so i added 12 more two week old clones,in one gal pots to the flower room,
i still got my white russians,grapegod,nypurple diesel,and king kush in veg,jus no more room in flower room

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Crazy? Me? You sir have me confused with someone else. I am liking the looks of that rock lock, not necessarily the plant but they way you are growing it. Genuity, I didn't even read what you wrote, I got as far as rock lock, looked at the pics and just shook my head. I am so looking forward to starting my sativa grow. I'm going to do a six foot by four foot, the four foot wide part is stretching the coverage but I'm going to put four plants in three gallon smart pots, that should fill the screen, especially the neville's haze and hawaiian snow are supposed to be monsters and I've read it can take up to five weeks after flipping your light for a sativa to enter full bloom. So that's at least three weeks of growth after the flip.

I admire your work genuity, I hope to get close one day.

Edit...CNBC time. Later guys.