getting caught

My friend just started growing to and I want to know if what he said was true. If he tells people and it gets to the police can they just raid his house? I mean that wouldn't make sense anybody can just say stuff like that so its kinda true. Like if I said some random person was growing they can't just randomly raid there house?
Anyways I want other peoples opinions


Well-Known Member
golden rule of growing dont tell nyone thats why we have this site brag all you want show off pics but otherwhise keep your mouth shut for your own good brotha
A warrant would have to be issued first, and they generally aren't issued without probable cause, but a tip(not anonymous) from anyone is generally enough for quite a few judges to issue a warrant. It all depends on the locality, sadly.


Well-Known Member
pwaah police dont even need a warrant where im from. they can bust yo front door open and search your house. based on what your wearing :S


Well-Known Member
My friend just started growing to and I want to know if what he said was true. If he tells people and it gets to the police can they just raid his house? I mean that wouldn't make sense anybody can just say stuff like that so its kinda true. Like if I said some random person was growing they can't just randomly raid there house?
Anyways I want other peoples opinions
Yeah, but crimnals that know where the grow is can bust in and bust his head open for his stuff... So tell him to keep his f'in mouth shut.

Brick Top

New Member
My friend just started growing to and I want to know if what he said was true. If he tells people and it gets to the police can they just raid his house? I mean that wouldn't make sense anybody can just say stuff like that so its kinda true. Like if I said some random person was growing they can't just randomly raid there house?
Anyways I want other peoples opinions

Your friend already broke rule number one about growing ..... he told you he is growing. The most important rules about growing are the same as the rules in the movie "Fight Club." Rule number one: You don't talk about growing. Rule number two: YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT GROWING!


Active Member
Police will be obliged to investigate after a report, keep in mind, warrants for house searches arnt granted and based off of someones word or a single report, warrants are granted due to evidence.


Active Member
Your friend already broke rule number one about growing ..... he told you he is growing. The most important rules about growing are the same as the rules in the movie "Fight Club." Rule number one: You don't talk about growing. Rule number two: YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT GROWING!
All to true Brick Top.
He told like two people already which is pretty bad but I'm starting to grow myself so I don't count I guess. So do you get a warning before they search or do they pretty much just walk to your door and say here's my warrant were comin in?


Well-Known Member
He told like two people already which is pretty bad but I'm starting to grow myself so I don't count I guess. So do you get a warning before they search or do they pretty much just walk to your door and say here's my warrant were comin in?
No they pretty much show up in force, sometime with dogs and depending on the neighborhood they might just bash in the front door and consider that knocking.


Well-Known Member
they can either bust your door down, or knock but no warning. it depends on the severity of the prohibition of cannabis is in your state. bible belt, your door is getting blown in by swat team. well maybe not swat, but definitely a lot of cops


Well-Known Member
and most states do distinguish between 'no knock warrants' and search warrants. a no knock warrant, they send the task force and bash your door in during the middle of the night.

sadly, only because of repeated mistakes by officers going to the wrong addresses for no knock warrants. fatal shootings have occurred during no knock warrants by officers gunning down innocent homeowners that are just wondering why the gestapo is in there bedroom @ 1am....

so nowadays, at least where im from, they try to make a distinction between a so called 'dangerous individual' and a simple search....

but all that changes from jurisdiction to jurisdiction... if you happen to live in an area that has high LEO activity and drug, gang, ICE, and other task forces, your prolly fucked the moment the pull up to your place anyways.