Well-Known Member
Activity was regular in that house. I never liked going into the dining room, in there we had a large bowl/plate (with a raised rim) and several ornaments. One day, we went in there to find the bowl/plate had been smashed into breadcrumb sized pieces, lying flat on the surface yet retaining its original circular shape, impossible. Me, my mother and father all inspected it in confusion, but there was a very bad feeling/presence in the room, we left the house not long after.
There were often sounds coming from the bathroom, once we even heard footsteps running along hardwood floor down the hall, despite the hall being carpeted. My child moniter was sometimes turned off at the socket whilst I was asleep, ofcourse panicking my parents. On entering the master bedroom (where nobody dared to stay or sleep) I used to get terrible yet seemingly real visions and disturbing thoughts.
I often saw a 'ghost cat', always either curled up on the stairs and in the dining room, it once ranaway scared when I heard a loud, unexplained bang. I once thought I saw an old lady walking to the corner of the livingroom once, but as I was a youngster, these ghosts may have been my imagination.
Cheers for sharing xboxwarrior and welcome.
As for UFOs, many are reported in my area (middle of England) including the well known orange orbs. My most recent sighting began with a high pitched noise getting closer, appearing to wake a few neighbours. As the 'screaming' got louder I saw a dark triangle moving swiftly towards some nearby fields, it had a light on each corner, but did'nt stay around for long.
The most memorable happened late last summer while I was writing at about 1am. I would rather not go into detail as I've told nobody the whole story and don't really wish to. A slow moving craft with a small, cycling green and white light was heading in my direction. When nearby it slowed, perhaps stopping still, turned to a different angle and crossed infront of me as I fully opened my window in awe and intrigue. I remained accepting of its arrival and feel warm in myself. It descended lower, leaving over my next door neighbours rooftop, powered be 2 spectacular white thrusters. It made an ambient humming noise, coupled with a similar sound to a hot air balloons flame igniting, but constant, altogether near silent. It gradually hovered away into the distance at which point I attempted to record the craft leaving, but the video camera picked up nothing at all, not even other objects.
I knew this experience was happening and it felt other worldly in itself, I knew none of our aircraft fit any part of its appearance, manuevering capability, patient travelling speed and noise and I knew no human pilot could match the mild communication techniques, both cerebral and visual (changing light displays). I don't like to explain everything, I have witnessed other UFOs (long crafts high in the sky and another large dark triangle) but none will compare.
How about you Philly?
I too have been doing alot of research recently, I can think of few things more interesting and I always believe that all that matters, and all that is misunderstood, is connected. Let me know if you find any breaking news.
There were often sounds coming from the bathroom, once we even heard footsteps running along hardwood floor down the hall, despite the hall being carpeted. My child moniter was sometimes turned off at the socket whilst I was asleep, ofcourse panicking my parents. On entering the master bedroom (where nobody dared to stay or sleep) I used to get terrible yet seemingly real visions and disturbing thoughts.
I often saw a 'ghost cat', always either curled up on the stairs and in the dining room, it once ranaway scared when I heard a loud, unexplained bang. I once thought I saw an old lady walking to the corner of the livingroom once, but as I was a youngster, these ghosts may have been my imagination.
Cheers for sharing xboxwarrior and welcome.
As for UFOs, many are reported in my area (middle of England) including the well known orange orbs. My most recent sighting began with a high pitched noise getting closer, appearing to wake a few neighbours. As the 'screaming' got louder I saw a dark triangle moving swiftly towards some nearby fields, it had a light on each corner, but did'nt stay around for long.
The most memorable happened late last summer while I was writing at about 1am. I would rather not go into detail as I've told nobody the whole story and don't really wish to. A slow moving craft with a small, cycling green and white light was heading in my direction. When nearby it slowed, perhaps stopping still, turned to a different angle and crossed infront of me as I fully opened my window in awe and intrigue. I remained accepting of its arrival and feel warm in myself. It descended lower, leaving over my next door neighbours rooftop, powered be 2 spectacular white thrusters. It made an ambient humming noise, coupled with a similar sound to a hot air balloons flame igniting, but constant, altogether near silent. It gradually hovered away into the distance at which point I attempted to record the craft leaving, but the video camera picked up nothing at all, not even other objects.
I knew this experience was happening and it felt other worldly in itself, I knew none of our aircraft fit any part of its appearance, manuevering capability, patient travelling speed and noise and I knew no human pilot could match the mild communication techniques, both cerebral and visual (changing light displays). I don't like to explain everything, I have witnessed other UFOs (long crafts high in the sky and another large dark triangle) but none will compare.
How about you Philly?
I too have been doing alot of research recently, I can think of few things more interesting and I always believe that all that matters, and all that is misunderstood, is connected. Let me know if you find any breaking news.